Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Tłumaczenia dodatkowych przykładów zdań również generowane są przez automatyczny moduł i nie są weryfikowane przez naszych lektorów.
The Atlantic Standard Time Zone observes it during standard time (cold months).
Atlantycki czas normalny Strefa zauważa to podczas czasu urzędowego (zimne miesiące).
All draw times are listed in Atlantic Standard Time (UTC-4).
Wszystkie czasy losowania są wymienione w atlantyckim czasie normalnym (UTC-4).
Times given below are in Atlantic Standard Time Zone (UTC-4).
Czasy wskazywane poniżej są w atlantyckim czasie normalnym Strefa (UTC-4).
All times are Atlantic Standard Time (UTC 04:00).
Wszystkie czasy są atlantyckim czasem normalnym (04:00 UTC).
Atlantic Standard Time (AST)
Atlantycki czas normalny (AST)
The U.S. Virgin Islands are permanently on Atlantic Standard Time and do not participate in daylight saving time.
USA wyspy dziewicze są na stałe na atlantyckim czasie normalnym i uczestniczyć w czasie letnim.
When the mainland United States is on daylight saving time, Eastern Daylight Time is the same as Atlantic Standard Time.
Gdy Stany Zjednoczone kontynentalne są na czasie letnim, czas letni wschodnioamerykański jest taki sam jak atlantycki czas normalny.
Atlantic Standard Time AST UTC 4 year-round (no DST)
Atlantycki czas normalny UTC AST 4 całoroczny (żadne DST)
Atlantic Standard Time (UTC-04), Atlantic Daylight Time (UTC-03)
Atlantycki czas normalny (UTC-04), Atlantyk Czas dzienny (UTC-03)
The effect is that in summer their clocks match those of the rest of the province, while in November, their clocks are rejoined by their Atlantic Standard Time neighbours.
Skutek jest że latem ich zegary pasują ci z reszty prowincji, podczas gdy w listopadzie, ich zegary ponownie są połączone przez swój atlantycki czas normalny sąsiedzi.
Locations in Labrador south of Black Tickle generally observe Newfoundland Time instead of Atlantic Standard Time, which is observed by the rest of the province's continental communities.
Lokalizacje w Labradorze na południe od Black Tickle ogólnie zauważają, że Czas nowofundlandzki zamiast atlantyckiego czasu normalnego, który jest zauważył przez resztę społeczności prowincji kontynentalnych.
Prince Edward Island and small portions of Quebec (eastern Côte-Nord and the Magdalen Islands) are also part of the Atlantic Standard Time Zone.
Wyspa Księcia Edwarda i porcyjki Quebecu (wschodni Côte-Nord i Magdalen Wysepki) są częścią atlantyckiego czasu normalnego również Strefa.
Polls were open from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm, prevailing local time, Atlantic Standard Time (AST) (UTC-4, same as Eastern Daylight Time).
Wybory były szczere od 8:00 jestem do 3:00 po południu, zwyciężając czas miejscowy, atlantycki czas normalny (AST) (UTC-4, taki sam jak czas letni wschodnioamerykański).
Officially, the entirety of Newfoundland and Labrador observes Newfoundland Standard Time, but in practice most of Labrador uses the Atlantic Standard Time Zone.
Oficjalnie, całość nowofundlanda i Labradora zauważa czas urzędowy nowofundlandzki ale w praktyce większa część z Labradora używa atlantyckiego czasu normalnego Strefa.
Atlantic standard time zone: (AST; UTC 04; Zone Q), which comprises Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Atlantyk strefa czasu urzędowego: (AST; UTC 04; Zone Q), który zawiera Portoryko i USA Wyspy Dziewicze.
The island of Newfoundland lies squarely in the eastern half of the Atlantic Standard Time Zone, exactly three and a half hours from Greenwich and, as a separate country, it had the ability to adopt its own time zone.
Wysepka nowofundlanda leży prosto we wschodniej połowie atlantyckiego czasu normalnego Strefa, dokładnie trzy i pół godziny od Greenwich i, jako oddzielny kraj, to miało umiejętność przyjęcia swojej własnej strefy czasu.
Those portions of the Atlantic Standard Time Zone that participate in daylight saving time do so as Atlantic Daylight Time (ADT), which has one hour added to make it only three hours behind GMT (UTC-3).
Te części atlantyckiego czasu normalnego Strefa że uczestniczyć w czasie letnim robić tak jako Atlantic Daylight Time (ADT), który ma jedną zwiększoną godzinę marki to tyle że trzy godziny za GMT (UTC-3).
No portion of the continental United States is located in the Atlantic Standard Time Zone, however the territories of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands do fall under Atlantic Standard Time.
Żadna część Stanów Zjednoczonych kontynentalnych nie znajduje się w atlantyckim czasie normalnym Strefa, jednakże terytoria Portoryka i USA wyspy dziewicze robią upadek pod atlantyckim czasem normalnym.
Have you been inspired to find out more about ast.
Zostaliście zainspirowani by dowiedzieć się więcej około ast.
The commission and nearly two dozen state attorneys general have been investigating the companies for the ast year.
Komisja i niemal dwa tuziny prokuratorzy generalni państwowi sprawdzali spółki dla ast rok.
Pat Ast left the world as she had lived in it, outrageously over the top.
Pat Ast odjechał ze świata ponieważ żyła w tym, oburzająco ponad szczytem.
"Seven hundred and fifty times in the ast year."
"Siedem sto i pięćdziesięciokrotnie w ast rok."
The public responses to the consultative group on the ast found no consensus.
Publiczne odpowiedzi na doradczą grupę na ast nie zakładać żadnego konsensusu.
AST did not provide a specific estimate of its results for the first quarter.
AST nie dostarczyły określonego kosztorysu jego wyników pierwszego kwartału.
They said AST has no current plans for such a development.
Powiedzieli, że AST nie ma żadnych bieżących planów odnośnie takiego rozwoju.
At ast he set the bowl down again.
Przy ast postawił miskę jeszcze raz.
George glanced out of the window, and wondered if it faced "ast.
George wyjrzał przez okno, i zastanawiać się czy to wychodziło "ast.
The door opened at ast and Northrup was there.
Drzwi otworzyły się przy ast i Northrup był tam.
Low levels of AST are normally found in the blood.
Niskie poziomy AST zostaną znalezione zwykle w krwi.
At the time, Ast was working as a receptionist at a box factory.
Wtedy, Ast pracował jako recepcjonista przy fabryce pudła.
AST, a personal computer maker, has had heavy operating losses.
AST, producent komputera osobistego, miał ciężkie straty operacyjne.
Then they moved up abre ast, Roland in the middle.
W takim razie przesunęli się abre ast, Roland pośrodku.
AST ended the year at $37.25, a 258.9 percent increase.
AST zamknęło rok przy 37.25, 258.9 wzrost procentu.
As a result, companies like AST are starting to push into the market.
W efekcie, spółki jak AST zaczynają promować do rynku.
The Ast had invoked a powerful convention that required the truthful exchange of information.
Ast powołał się na przejmującą konwencję, która wymagała szczerej wymiany informacji.
At ast he'd done what Shelagh asked him.
Przy ast zrobił o co Shelagh zapytał go.
AST had been a top five computer vendor in the early 1990s.
AST było najwyższy pięć sprzedawca komputerowy we wczesnym 1990s.
Enrollment at AST for the 2010-2011 school year is 1168 students.
Zapis przy AST dla 2010-2011 rok szkolny jest 1168 studentami.
Of the three versions, the AST appears to be the most common.
Z trzech wersji, AST wydaje się być najbardziej wspólnym.
You up there- tie her ast to Philip's shouted order started the teamster moving.
Ty w górę tam- przywiązywać ją ast do wykrzykniętego porządku Philipa skłonić kierowcę ciężarówki do ruszania się.
Because of it, Ms. Ast said she has learned ways to improve fund-raising.
Z powodu tego, Ms. Ast powiedział, że poznaje sposoby by poprawić kwestowanie.
They reached the entrance to the Ferry ane at ast.
Sięgnęli po wejście do Promu ane przy ast.
AST serves the defense, intelligence, homeland security, and select commercial markets.
AST obsługuje obronę, inteligencja, ojczyzna bezpieczeństwo, i wybierać dochodowe rynki.
Uwaga: Tłumaczenia dodatkowych przykładów nie były weryfikowane przez naszych lektorów - mogą zawierać błędy.
Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
The equivalent legislation in England and Wales is Assured shorthold tenancy.
Requirements to create an assured shorthold tenancy
There is no minimum length for which an assured shorthold tenancy may be granted and a section 21 notice can be served at any time.
To be an Assured Shorthold Tenancy the following rules must be followed:
that the Assured Shorthold Tenancy has come to an end
They are lawyers from Toronto, on sabbatical in London, who have signed a proper assured shorthold tenancy agreement.
Assured shorthold tenancy
2 months notice no reason in cases of assured shorthold tenancy where the actual reason is rent arrears
The assured shorthold tenancy is the default legal category of residential tenancy in England and Wales.
Assured shorthold tenancy, a form of Assured tenancy with limited security of tenure
In the main only new claims and tenants who move in to a private assured shorthold tenancy will be paid Local Housing Allowance.
Most residential lettings in the UK are governed by "Assured Shorthold Tenancy" contracts.
Landlords and letting agents must protect the deposit a tenant pays when they have an assured shorthold tenancy (AST).
Most student house shares will sign an Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement (AST).
In the UK, the residence is sold and rented back to the previous owner usually, but not always, on an Assured Shorthold Tenancy.
Where one assured shorthold tenancy follows another, the tenant is protected for only 6 months from the beginning of the first tenancy under which the premises were occupied.
Section 21 of the Housing Act 1988 of the UK, concerning a formal notice to quit - see Assured shorthold tenancy
An assured tenancy which is also an assured shorthold tenancy may also be ended by the execution of a possession order based on a section 21 notice.
This introduced a radical reshaping of landlord - tenant law, and in particular introduced the Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST).
It was a milestone piece of legislation which created the concept of the Assured Shorthold Tenancy whereby there was substantially less security of tenure for tenants.
Under the scheme buyers rent a property under an assured shorthold tenancy until they have saved enough money for a deposit and can afford to take on a shared ownership lease.
One of the key innovations required for widespread property investment was the reform of tenancy agreements and specifically the introduction of the assured shorthold tenancy (AST) agreement.
Additional charges are often made for drawing up the Assured Shorthold Tenancy agreement and protecting the tenant's deposit to comply with the Tenancy Deposit Scheme legislation.
a Notice of an Assured Shorthold Tenancy must be served upon the tenant - BEFORE the start of the tenancy
Rent Assessment Committees (RACs) make their decisions on rent disputes according to whether the tenancy involved is an assured shorthold tenancy (AST) or a regulated one.
Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Two patients reported one or more drug-related laboratory adverse events, including one patient each with hypokalemia and increased serum aspartate transaminase.
Most have slightly abnormal liver function tests such as a raised aspartate transaminase, alanine transaminase and bilirubin level.
X-ray crystallography studies have been performed to determine the structure of aspartate transaminase from various sources, including chicken mitochondria, pig heart cytosol, and E. coli.
Aspartate transaminase (aka SGOT), an enzyme associated with liver parenchymal cells.
Aspartate transaminase catalyzes the interconversion of aspartate and α-ketoglutarate to oxaloacetate and glutamate.
This is evidenced by enzymatic changes, which include elevation in the levels of serum alanine transaminase, aspartate transaminase and aspartic acid.
The two transaminases commonly measured are alanine transaminase (ALT) and aspartate transaminase (AST).
Elevation of alanine transaminase (ALT) and aspartate transaminase (AST) has been described in a few cases.
Enzymes utilizing such cofactors include the PLP-dependent enzyme aspartate transaminase and the TPP-dependent enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase.
Biochemical investigations include serum creatine kinase (typically increased 10 fold) with lesser elevations of the serum aldolase, aspartate transaminase, alanine transaminase and lactic dehydrogenase.
In a similar mechanism of aspartate transaminase, the lysine that forms the initial imine to PLP later acts as the base that attacks the tyrosine in transimination.
Platelet count, aspartate transaminase, alanine transaminase, and haptoglobin are usually unaffected and may be used to distinguish mirror syndrome from HELLP syndrome.
Twenty two tests were carried out on mutant mice and two significant abnormalities were observed: homozygous mutants were subviable and females also had decreased circulating aspartate transaminase levels.
In medicine, the presence of elevated transaminases, commonly the transaminases alanine transaminase (ALT) and aspartate transaminase (AST), may be an indicator of liver damage.
In the early stages, however, pressure on the liver cells may be the main feature and the tests will resemble those in hepatitis, with elevations in alanine transaminase and aspartate transaminase.
We hypothesized that elevation in markers of oxidative stress would be associated with increased liver injury, as measured by serum alanine transaminase (ALT) and aspartate transaminase (AST) levels.
LFT's, serum proteins, serum albumin, serum globulin, A/G Ratio, alanine transaminase, aspartate transaminase, prothrombin time, partial thromboplastin time, platelet count.
Aspartate transaminase, as with all transaminases, operates via dual substrate recognition; that is, it is able to recognize and selectively bind two amino acids (Asp and Glu) with different side-chains.
The increasing liver damage also alters biochemical markers of liver function; International normalized ratio (INR) and the hepatic transaminases alanine transaminase and aspartate transaminase rise to abnormal levels.
The serum alanine transaminase level usually is greater than the aspartate transaminase level in the nonalcoholic variant and the opposite in alcoholic FLD (AST:ALT more than 2:1).
Pre-treatment with AP-Q has an effect on hepatocytes in CCl-induced acute liver injury, decreasing the activity of aspartate transaminase (AST) and alanine transaminase (ALT) in the liver.
These instruments typically determine levels of albumin, alkaline phosphatase, aspartate transaminase (AST), blood urea nitrogen, bilirubin, calcium, cholesterol, creatinine, glucose, inorganic phosphorus, proteins, and uric acid in blood serum or other bodily samples.
Recommended laboratory investigations to find the underlying cause of gynecomastia include tests for aspartate transaminase and alanine transaminase to rule out liver pathology, serum creatinine to evaluate if kidney damage is present, and thyroid-stimulating hormone levels to evaluate for hyperthyroidism.