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Kurs eTutor angielski w cenie, którą pokochasz
"abnormal finding in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity" po polsku
— Słownik angielsko-polski
zobacz "abnormal finding in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity" po angielsku
abnormal finding in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity
nieprawidłowy wynik w próbkach z organów trawienia i jamy brzusznej
[policzalny zwykle liczba mnoga]
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Powiązane zwroty — "abnormal finding in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity"
abnormal finding in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax
nieprawidłowy wynik w próbkach z organów oddechowych i klatki piersiowej
abnormal finding in specimens from male genital organs
nieprawidłowy wynik w próbkach z organów płciowych męskich
abnormal finding in specimens from female genital organs
nieprawidłowy wynik w próbkach z organów płciowych kobiecych
abnormal finding in specimens from other organs - systems and tissues
nieprawidłowy wynik w próbkach z innych organów
(systemy i tkanki)
digestive organs
narządy trawienne
Zobacz także:
abdominal cavity
digestive system abnormalities
abnormal finding in cerebrospinal fluid
abnormal immunological finding in serum
abnormal finding on diagnostic imaging of urinary organs
abnormal finding of blood chemistry
abnormal finding on diagnostic imaging of other parts of digestive tract
abnormal finding on cytological and histological examination of urine
abnormal finding on diagnostic imaging of other abdominal regions - including retroperitoneum
abnormal results of function studies of other organs and systems
abnormal finding on diagnostic imaging of liver and biliary tract
abnormal finding on antenatal screening of mother
abnormal finding on diagnostic imaging of breast
abnormal finding on diagnostic imaging of limbs
abnormal finding on diagnostic imaging of lung
abnormal finding on microbiological examination of urine
abnormal chromosomal and genetic finding on antenatal screening of mother
abnormal finding on diagnostic imaging of heart and coronary circulation
benign lipomatous neoplasm of intra-abdominal organs
abnormal finding on antenatal screening of mother - unspecified
abnormal ultrasonic finding on antenatal screening of mother
abnormal cytological finding on antenatal screening of mother
abnormal haematological finding on antenatal screening of mother
abnormal radiological finding on antenatal screening of mother
abnormal finding on diagnostic imaging of skull and head - not elsewhere classified
abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of central nervous system
abnormal finding on diagnostic imaging of other body structures
abnormal finding on diagnostic imaging of other parts of musculoskeletal system
abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of other specified body structures
abnormal biochemical finding on antenatal screening of mother
Kurs angielskiego
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