Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
His only way out, in the short final scene, is a grand act of forgiveness.
You know that there's an act of forgiveness involved.
This act of forgiveness is symbolically important in Bok's spiritual growth.
It was also a formal act of forgiveness on the part of today's conservative Vatican.
Now that your power has been restored by your act of forgiveness you have only to find her."
This act of forgiveness earns the mercy of the gods.
"The act of forgiveness is the act of returning to present time.
In the eyes of the religious authorities Jesus' act of forgiveness represents blasphemy.
As the impassive patriarch, his final act of forgiveness was clearly outlined and highly emblematic.
So too Nelson Mandela's peerless act of forgiveness and reconciliation.
More than an act of forgiveness, it was a commitment to the new South Africa, one that is inclusive, seeing beyond ranking by colour.
The critics have voiced objections to what they perceive as an unduly hasty act of forgiveness.
Dowornobb watched the unexpected act of forgiveness and impulsively went over and picked up her other bag.
The deliberate act of forgiveness."
In 1937, the girl's mother, in a final act of forgiveness, went to communion with the killer in a village church, Bishop Serratelli said.
God also says "A word of kindness and an act of forgiveness are superior to an act of charity followed by injury or harm.
Black Marvel died in the attempt, but Hornet's act of forgiveness enabled the Black Marvel's soul to ascend to a better place.
In an interview today, Ms. Fisher's mother, Rose, said she was thankful for Mrs. Buttafuoco's "pure act of forgiveness."
THE Presidential power to issue pardons and reprieves represents the ultimate Constitutional act of forgiveness - unreviewable and absolute.
She eventually forgives Callisto for the murder of Perdicas, and that act of forgiveness grants her the right to join the Archangels in battle.
Acts of Forgiveness "I think it's progress that the presidency has been humanized," Mr. Ford remarked a few days before he left the White House.
Frodo is saved from his sin by his own earlier repeated acts of forgiveness to Gollum, but in a sense punished by the loss of his finger.
But he is also a man who renews himself through an act of forgiveness, and he must still have some stake in flesh and blood passions, however self-sufficient he may be.
A striking act of forgiveness for a gruesome murder earned Brandon Biggs a $10,000 college scholarship on Wednesday from an equally unlikely group of donors: prisoners on death row.