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If your amniotic sac hasn't broken before this, it may now.
The amniotic sac is also called the "bag of waters."
They float right in their amniotic sacs, just like home."
It seemed to take long heartbeats, but at last they had the amniotic sac free.
It has not been proven that pressures are different in either amniotic sac.
When seen in the light, the amniotic sac is shiny and very smooth, but tough.
They are also less likely to share a placenta or amniotic sac, the researchers said.
But in reality, very few women will have their water "break" (which is actually the breaking of the amniotic sac).
Version is sometimes used during labor before the amniotic sac has ruptured.
Before or after contractions begin, the amniotic sac that holds the baby may break.
If your amniotic sac has broken early, you have a high risk of infection and must be watched closely.
You have gone into active labor, but the amniotic sac has not ruptured on its own.
Your baby is also cushioned by the fluid in the amniotic sac.
"Once you've ruptured your amniotic sac, labor usually starts on its own."
Trying to break the amniotic sac inside the womb.
Kaye held up the photographs of the pseudo-placenta and amniotic sac.
Most of the time, the nurse or midwife will break the amniotic sac once labor has already begun.
The amniotic sac broke, splashing fluid on his face.
But the chance to do the version can be lost if labor speeds up or the amniotic sac ruptures.
But they usually grow within separate amniotic sacs.
In rare cases, identical twins share one amniotic sac.
This can only be done after your water (amniotic sac) breaks (ruptures).
But this amniotic sac is a highly specialized organ, different from any I've ever studied."
A few days after conception, a transparent sheath called the amniotic sac begins to grow around the baby.
When she was born, she was still inside the amniotic sac, which is unusual.