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What usually causes pain in the ball of the foot?
They came down on the balls of the feet, not the heels.
The step is a light walk on the toes or balls of the feet.
Leaning slightly forward, running on the balls of the feet.
Some speak with conviction that the balls of the feet are your man.
The canvas at the balls of the feet would wear through.
Pain and tenderness is common under the ball of the foot.
This will lessen the pressure on the ball of the foot.
They most often occur on the ball of the foot and the toes.
The ball of the foot was believed to be more effective and less dangerous than other methods.
In theory, however, rotation on the ball of the foot is much faster.
The balls of the feet, for example relate to the heart and lungs.
The actual strike is usually delivered by the ball of the foot.
"I have trouble planting and cutting to the right off the ball of the foot," he said.
He noted that the deepest depression by far was near the ball of the foot.
Ball of the foot: like your thigh until it is almost parallel with the ground.
They also absorb the weight that presses on the ball of the foot.
The term describes pain and inflammation in the ball of the foot.
Land softly on the balls of the feet and roll back onto the heels.
The only true tiredness stems from the ball of the foot.
If you press the ball of the foot, babies will curl their toes.
Calluses are common on the heels and balls of the feet.
The style has also evolved from flat foot to dancing on the balls of the feet.
The striking surface is the instep or the ball of the foot.
The Slow steps "will be taken first on to the ball of the foot, the heel then lowering".