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The bifilar coil in this configuration has increased self-capacitance, thereby saving the cost of the capacitors.
Because of their proximity, the wires of the bifilar coil both "see" the same stray magnetic flux.
A bifilar coil is an electromagnetic coil that contains two closely spaced, parallel windings.
The Krieger electric landaulet had a drive motor in each front wheel with a second set of parallel windings (bifilar coil) for regenerative braking.
A different type of bifilar coil is used in some relay windings and transformers used for a switched-mode power supply to suppress back-emf.
Bifilar coils impose an inductance in the common mode, but impose no inductance in the differential mode.
The bifilar coil (more often called the bifilar winding) is used in modern electrical engineering as a means of constructing wire-wound resistors with negligible parasitic self-inductance.
The detected eloptic signals were fed to a three-stage vacuum tube RF amplifier and conducted to a flat touch plate surrounded by a copper wire bifilar coil.
When used in a switching transformer, one winding of the bifilar coil is used as a means of removing the energy stored in the stray magnetic flux which fails to link the primary coil to the secondary coil of the transformer.