It goes so well with their pale skin and light hair.
Even from a distance they were beautiful against his pale skin.
He had large eyes and pale skin with his father's dark hair.
She certainly looks like a normal white person, with her pale skin and straight brown hair.
He had very pale skin and his teeth were small.
The woman on the screen had black hair and pale skin.
She had pale skin, dark hair and a soft voice.
Her pale skin was very different from their own, she knew.
With his pale skin and brown hair, many people would not even take him for an Indian.
She has pale skin and a tiny bit of brown hair.
He was an old man with bright black eyes, a pallid skin.
She gazed at the woman's pallid skin and her delicate features.
Dark blue veins could be seen through the pallid skin of his hands and face.
Women went to great lengths to preserve pallid skin, as a sign of their "refinement".
The unhealthily pallid skin became covered with red spots along the whole left side of her face.
Eventually some color returned to her pallid skin, but she did not regain consciousness.
"He doesn't look too good," Morton said, glancing at the pallid skin and hanging head.
I was worried for him suddenly; he seemed so fragile with his pallid skin and long delicate hands.
Blood welled in a bright red line on Ben's pallid skin.
Drops of water flew upward in the moonlight from dead pallid skin.