It is unclear whether the buyout agreement was prompted by any of the investigations.
Contel stock jumped more than $7 a share after the buyout agreement was announced.
He already knew every phrase, every word of the buyout agreement.
Fordham paid Hill $650,000 to leave the university in a buyout agreement four years into his 10-year deal.
But a dispute soon arose over the terms of the buyout agreement.
In today's market, it is negotiating buyout agreements with tenants with excess space.
On March 1, 2011, he reached a buyout agreement with the Wizards and was waived.
The buyout agreement may not bring an end to hard times at United Airlines, industry experts said.
'I've had my financial division draw up a buyout agreement, your house will be well compensated.'
If the Knicks cut Davis, they will still have to pay him the $14 million left on his contract, or reach a buyout agreement.