Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
The way was open for the Cabinet committee to get back to work.
The decision was taken in secret by a small Cabinet committee.
All right, the secretary of state may have had a Cabinet committee meeting.
The number of cabinet committees was reduced from 11 to five.
"The fifth meeting of this cabinet committee is now in order.
Each cabinet committee consisted of four to six department heads, who would work out policies and put them into effect.
Shouldn't there have been a proper cabinet committee considering options?
He has also appointed a Cabinet committee to negotiate a resolution.
Cabinet committees were reduced by half from around 140 to seventy.
Yes, but so what: he and a Cabinet committee now propose to install them there by the thousands.
Cabinet committees didn't usually meet until ten and he hadn't even cracked open his first egg.
The broader issues of Israel's foreign military sales program were decided by a cabinet committee on weapons transfers.
Grey assigned a cabinet committee to produce a plan for parliamentary reform.
The appointment of supporters on the Cabinet committee dealing with economic strategy has already been noted.
He said he would be chairman of a new Cabinet committee to oversee the economy.
Perhaps they will soon join cabinet committees on welfare reform and housing benefit.
Every paper to a Cabinet committee must be cleared by the Treasury.
"Check minutes of Cabinet committees she used to attend and you will not find a single substantive contribution."
So, too, is the workload being devolved to Cabinet committees.
A Cabinet committee meets tomorrow to agree to slash public spending by billions.
But at the cabinet committee on Tuesday officials were told to leave the room as the ministers debated the decree.
The cabinet committee responsible for getting the large number of state-controlled companies into private hands has repeatedly put off meetings.
It also provides secretariat support to the cabinet committees responsible for driving the programme forward.
The minute stopped the Cabinet committee dead in its tracks - for the good reason that I was not prepared to go on.
In the autumn it went before a Cabinet committee chaired by Butler.