He needed the body of a man about his own age and with the same physical characteristics.
I can make a list of physical characteristics, but his face won't come.
There's another problem, in that we don't have any physical characteristics for him.
But this difference in their physical characteristics did not seem to matter.
Finally, physical characteristics would also play a role in giving family names.
These physical characteristics can be anything that is seen easily.
Place is the human and physical characteristics of a location.
There are three physical characteristics, two mental and one social.
And this thing measures the physical characteristics of my hand.
This assessment of the physical characteristics is made by a court.
The difference in physical features will not change the human quality.
One after another they transformed their physical features into those of human men.
Yet when looked upon as if you were a woman looking down at your body, the physical features, in perspective, seem correct.
To that extent, they should follow physical features on the ground.
The former canal is one of the major physical features on the island.
Explore the more than 50 countries and physical features of Africa.
The physical features of the components used in the circuit.
Later versions (most likely after 1991) lost the 9800X-specific physical features, but kept the same basic form.
Why focus on skin colour, or other physical features, at all?
As they went down the corridor, he surveyed the physical features of the place.
She's been through a terrible ordeal and for no reason other than she was born with certain physical traits.
Either the medical staff had not yet put any word out, or his physical traits carried no designation they could use to identify him.
They also did not understand how physical traits are inherited from one generation to the next.
This can be through behavior, physical traits and statements by the child.
Though, both of them share nearly the same physical traits, the only difference being if it is a elder man or woman.
You never know what physical traits will pass from one generation to the next.
It told me what I expected, based on my known ancestry and physical traits.
After the birth, the baby's physical traits were compared to those of the deceased person.
The center has created several projects to help identify those physical traits.
Other physical traits include large fangs and hair on the back of his hands.