Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
The main point of criticism was the game's very bad collision detection.
The software was used in the game to improve collision detection.
Instead, they are forced to drive through the building before coming out on the other side due to a lack of collision detection.
It has crude graphics, no sound and poor collision detection.
Collision detection is a program used on computers to help it understand when two objects will hit into each other.
Collision detection is important to allow reading of data.
This is a desirable quality for some applications such as collision detection.
It adds collision detection, relative movement and some simple condition tests.
Each car is fitted with a collision detection system.
The obvious approaches to collision detection for multiple objects are very slow.
It was plagued with bugs, including very inaccurate collision detection.
The code turns off collision detection, an entirely separate toggle.
These are the hallmarks of a failing collision detection and physical simulation system.
In addition to the necessity of reliable collision detection, a frame cannot be repeated too many times.
Automated hull calculations for 2D collision detection based on graphics resources.
This yields collision detection systems which operate in near-constant time.
Because all communications are initiated by the master it is not necessary to implement a collision detection.
An early demo of the game has been found, with crude graphics, no sound and poor collision detection.
There are no collision detection registers for sprites as was common on most game systems of the era.
One of the processes that is usually implemented in this stage is collision detection.
Collision detection is used to solve the problem of determining when any two or more physical objects in the environment cross each other's path.
Friendly fire and collision detection are always in effect in Darkfall.
It is difficult (but not completely impossible) to separate the physical simulation from the collision detection algorithm.
Once we're done pruning, we are left with a number of candidate pairs to check for exact collision detection.
Collision detection (how computers help robots walk without hitting something)