But its methodology, conceptual apparatus, and analytics "are derived, essentially, from the discipline that has as its subject the economic organization of such a society" (1962, p. v).
How can we make detached, objective claims about everyday reasoning, if our conceptual apparatus is hopelessly contaminated with commonsense categories and rationalities?
A first question is the extent to which some notion of 'social class' is pertinent to people; whether it forms a part of their everyday conceptual apparatus.
Because facts do not speak for themselves, analysts need a 'pre-theory' or conceptual apparatus to articulate their significance.
In short, political philosophy is the activity, as with all philosophy, whereby the conceptual apparatus behind such concepts as aforementioned are analyzed, in their history, intent, evolution and the like.
Therefore, when one uses a language, even scientific one, a conceptual apparatus, an untranslatable set of meanings, is needed too, and with it a choice of the problems to be settled.
Moreover, in a didactic sense for this book, my story embodies the three terms and concepts that form the conceptual apparatus for all the examples to follow.
His conceptual apparatus is based on three key terms, namely, habitus, capital and field.
The debate which deals with these matters will be referred to and the conceptual apparatus which has been developed in that debate will be used where appropriate.
From this point onwards, Piaget's account progresses towards more complex forms of symbolism through which the adult's conceptual apparatus and capacity for cognitive representation are fully developed.