Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Her bill, which would set criminal penalties, was not considered by the Senate committee.
Yet at the same time, we've had very severe criminal penalties.
Some want to go further and drop criminal penalties for personal drug use, or even make drugs legal.
To be clear, the copyright law has included criminal penalties since 1897.
Those who violate the law are subject to civil and criminal penalties.
But criminal penalties for doctors, while not ruled out, were played down.
The House has passed a bill that carries no criminal penalties.
Clearly someone wanted to help her, but it was a big chance to take with criminal penalties and your pension on the line.
The legislation includes criminal penalties of up to five years in state prison.
Foreign laws, legal systems, and criminal penalties can be vastly different than our own.
All told, he agreed to surrender more than $23 million in civil and criminal penalties.
Criminal penalties and relations between the sexes were to be set back 1,400 years.
The act also specified criminal penalties for violations of the law.
Operating without these licenses can lead to civil and criminal penalties.
Even if criminal penalties were added, how could such restrictions be enforced?
He warned that further violations could result in criminal penalties.
Changes were also made to impose criminal penalties for election fraud.
Consequently, the defendant should only be given civil not criminal penalties.
In fact, a President has little if anything to do with law enforcement or criminal penalties, which are largely state matters.
The criminal penalties for rape should also be discussed in detail.
Violation of this requirement may result in civil or criminal penalties.
Leaving the scene makes detection more difficult, so larger criminal penalties are appropriate.
Without the threat of criminal penalties, the worms will come out from under their rocks.
Moreover, abuses of such systems ought to be subject to criminal penalties.
Starting June 1, the law will impose criminal penalties on the employers.