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In 2006, a documentary film called Crokinole was released.
Last year, we had some of our local woodcrafters make a crokinole board and raffled it off.
The game is played with small disks (crokinole pieces or wooden checkers).
The world championship crokinole tournament has been held annually since 1999 in Tavistock.
Crokinole boards are typically octagonal or round in shape.
Crokinole boards, toy battleships and building blocks were added to the staple wooden toys.
The exhibit room has a host of Victorian games such as crokinole, bagatelle, and discovery basket for visitors to play.
The use of any lubricating powder in crokinole is controversial, with some purists reviling the practice.
Crokinole is most commonly played by two players, or by four players in teams of two, with partners sitting across the board from each other.
The term is sometimes also mistakenly used as the actual name of other games of this class, such as carrom and crokinole.
The name "Crokinole" derives from croquignole, a French word today designating:
The movie follows some of the competitors of the 2004 World Crokinole Championship as they prepare for the event.
Crokinole is often believed to be of Mennonite or Amish origins, but there is no factual data to support such a claim.
Crokinole is called knipsbrat ("flick-board") in the Low German spoken by Mennonites.
The reigning world Adult single's crokinole champion is Justin Slater from Toronto, Ontario.
After retiring from office in 1993, he was active with the World Crokinole Championships in his hometown of Tavistock, Ontario.
In time, floor standing games became Skittles, and table-top games became Carom and Crokinole games.
Of the same family, although the relationship is uncertain, is Crokinole, a game developed in Canada which is now increasingly popular across all of North America.
The earliest known crokinole board was made by craftsman Eckhardt Wettlaufer in 1876 in Perth County, Ontario, Canada.
Originating in Dalian in 2005, the Chinese Championships of Crokinole (CCC) has been heavily contested since.
Tavistock has hosted the World Crokinole Championship (WCC) tournament annually on the first Saturday of June since 1999.
Pitchnut is a wooden tabletop game of French Canadian origins, similar to carrom, crokinole and pichenotte, with mechanics that lie somewhere between pocket billiards and air hockey.
Vintage Games Woodworking Plans have a nice "woody" site, featuring woodworking plans for vintage board games: mechanical table hockey, pin-ball baseball, crokinole board.
Crokinole historian Wayne Kelly states that the game may be one of many efforts to combine crokinole with pichenotte, the French Canadian version of carrom.
Councillor Maureen Ralph commended Councillor Doris Gladding on the World Crokinole Championship held in Tavistock on the weekend.
Wella-Rapide was a German system that used croquignole heaters exclusively.
Croquignole, another name for these biscotti, is a French word of Germanic origin.
One Catalan food writer states that carquinyoli is derived from the French croquignole.
The name "Crokinole" derives from croquignole, a French word today designating:
Calvete designed a new type of heater for this called a croquignole heater which fitted over the winding, rather like a bulldog clip.
The trend was to replace some of the tubular heaters on the sides of the head with croquignole ones, to allow greater scope of styling.
Croquignole was also a synonym of pichenotte, a word that gave its name to the different but related games of pichenotte and pitchnut.
As the process became more popular and competitive, a whole head of hair could be processed in one go, using up to 22 heaters, some of which might be croquignole.
He’d modeled his pin-curled hairstyle on those of actresses like Betty Grable and Gene Tierney, and he knew that doing interviews with his head under a hot croquignole machine — this in an era when John Wayne represented the masculine ideal — was good hokum.
Krokinole midnight was as dark as any of the Concourse.
Gersen was hoisted into the hold; the craft slid off and away through the Krokinole night.
The human population of Krokinole is as varied as the topography; again the diversity can only be indicated.
Gersen also meets Myron Patch, an engineer from Krokinole.
General Remarks: Sometimes considered the most beautiful of all the Concourse planets, Krokinole may with justice claim to be the most diverse, both geographically and ethnically.
I made further inquiries at the Diomedes, and learned that she had become acquainted with a certain Emmaus Schahar, a salesman in sports equipment from Krokinole.
From Popular Handbook to the Planets, 303rd Edition (1292); Krokinole: third largest planet of the Rigel Concourse, fourteenth in orbital order.
He had large features, long pointed ears, a heavy protuberant mouth: a Highland Imp from the Highlands of Krokinole, one of the more specialized races of the Concourse.
Twast's Place on Krokinole can hold its head high, Dirty Red's on the pier at Daisy's Landing, on Canopus III, is another well-known resort.
On the assumption that a Krokinole Imp would not recognize an IPCC blazer when he saw one, Gersen displayed a transparent tablet, with his photograph under a gold seven-pointed star.
He arrived on Krokinole penniless, accepted work as a barnacle- scraper for the Card Estuary Docking Company, presently estab- lished a small machine shop at Pacris, the Whitelock capital.
Coffee from the Sunnyrain Highlands, Krokinole, brewed to the instant in a porcelain pot and served with a tot of Mascarene Rum, in the style of Fat Hannah, at the Copus Spaceport.
I take my bite of seed-cake and my sip of tea with the same relish as any paunchy plutocrat with bulging eyes and grease running from his mouth as he engulfs ortolans in brandy, Krokinole oysters, filet of Darango Five-Horn!
- The Patch Engineering and Construction Company of Patris on Krokinole, where Gersen builds a faux monster, the dnazd, to the specifications and for the use of the Demon Prince Kokor Hekkus on the fantasy planet Thamber.
Krokinole saw Blue Companion only as an evening stara state of affairs that would persist for yet another hundred years or so, due to the vast circumference of the orbits of all the Concourse planets and the consequent sluggish annual motion; in the case of Krokinole 1642 years.