Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Invented at the same time as the crown cork, it is the original "bar blade".
The original bottle cap was called Crown cork.
The crown cork was the first highly successful disposable product (it can be resealed but not easily).
Crown cork bottle caps are prominently featured as currency in the Fallout series of video games.
He most notably invented the crown cork bottle cap and bottle opener.
Crown Cork has historically been one of the "crowns" of American investing.
Crown corks are similar to the Pilfer proof caps, as usage of both products is to seal the bottle.
Crown corks are collected by people around the world who admire the variety of designs and relative ease of storage.
Crown corks are "treasures" the player must collect in Pikmin 2, known as Bottle caps.
After the invention of the crown cork bottle stopper, this problem was eliminated, and soda bottles could be stored standing upright.
After starting his own box company, Connelly Containers, he gained control of Crown Cork in 1957.
"This is one of the worst cycles for rigid- packaging companies, and Crown Cork is doing so much better than the others.
Among advancers was the Crown Cork and Seal Company, a packaging manufacturer.
He then joined Crown Cork International Corporation, where he rose to vice president and director.
Nowadays, wine can be sealed just as, or sometimes more, effectively with a 'crown cork'- the crimped-edged metal cap used for beer.
Champagne ages perfectly in the producers' cellars with a cheap crown cork, and only sprouts its traditional mushroom just before it goes on sale.
The efficient, hygienic Swiss are really sold on crown corks; many of their finest wines are metal-capped.
These bottles are popular among Home brewing, as they are more robust and can easily be sealed by hand without the expense of new crown cork.
The world's first modern bottle cap, the crown cork, was invented by William Painter in 1890 in Baltimore.
The crown cork, the first form of a bottle cap, possessed flanges bent over a sealed bottle to compress the liquid inside.
Crown Cork and Seal agreed to buy Continental Can's food and beverage metal canning units.
The bottle and the cap were produced by the Crown Cork and Seal Company in Brussels.
Crowntainer, manufactured by Crown Cork & Seal Company, is unique because it has a continuous form instead of a separate cone top.
For example, the stock of Crown Cork and Seal closed at $52 on Friday, a price equal to 16 times the company's estimated earnings a share this year.
In July 1967, he moved to San Francisco and began work as a chemist for the Crown Cork and Seal Company.
Collectors tend to prefer the term crown cap over corks.
During this time the Champagne bottle is sealed with a crown cap similar to that used on beer bottles.
He doffed the crowned cap; the purple coif covered his skull.
These bottles were superseded by the crown cap at the end of the 19th century, but survive in premium markets as nostalgic items.
Briza studied the contractions and the crowning cap of the coming child's white hair, and calculated the time to the moment of birth.
Bottled beer is sold with several types of bottle cap, but most often with crown caps (also known as crown seals).
This also defined the "twist-off" crown cap, now used in the United States, Canada, and Australia.
I remember my dad used to wear those old fashioned flat crown caps, and he would make me wear them too, and I didn't like them.
Various studies are underway, although one data point is that producers in Champagne have aged their wines under crown cap for quite some time with no apparent outcry.
A major factory for bottle crown caps Bruenninghaus developed out of a factory for bicycle saddles, called Metall und Leder.
By the end of the 1940s, the company had sixty-five plants, including eight plants producing fiber and paper containers, four plants producing crown caps, and one plant producing plastics.
It is named "J Spout" because the thin neck resembles the letter J. It was Crown's official move to canning beer instead of solely producing crown caps.
These days, Belgian beers are sold in brown- (or sometimes dark green-) tinted glass bottles (to avoid negative effects of light on the beverage) and sealed with a cork, a metal crown cap, or sometimes both.
Some traditional finishes include: 26 mm standard crown cap, 38 mm lug finish, 38 mm continuous thread with plastic sleeve, 38 mm ROPP and 28 mm continuous thread finishes.
Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Tłumaczenia dodatkowych przykładów zdań również generowane są przez automatyczny moduł i nie są weryfikowane przez naszych lektorów.
Collectors tend to prefer the term crown cap over corks.
Kolekcjonerzy mają skłoności do wolenia terminu kapsla ponad korkami.
During this time the Champagne bottle is sealed with a crown cap similar to that used on beer bottles.
W tym czasie Szampania butelka jest zamykana z kapsla podobną do tego użyty na butelkach po piwie.
He doffed the crowned cap; the purple coif covered his skull.
Zdjął uwieńczoną czapkę; fioletowy kornet przykrył swoją czaszkę.
The "Canteen" models feature a crown cap attached by a "hook" or "hinge" to the side of the watch case.
"Stołówka" modele przedstawiają kapsla przywiązany przez "hak" albo "zawias" do boku koperty.
These bottles were superseded by the crown cap at the end of the 19th century, but survive in premium markets as nostalgic items.
Te butelki zostały zastąpione kapsla pod koniec dziewiętnasty wieku, ale przeżywać w wysokich rynkach jako nostalgiczne rzeczy.
This also defined the "twist-off" crown cap, now used in the United States, Canada, and Australia.
To również określiło "odkręcany" kapsla, teraz użyć w Stanach Zjednoczonych, Kanada, i Australia.
Bottled beer is sold with several types of bottle cap, but most often with crown caps (also known as crown seals).
Piwo butelkowe zostanie sprzedane z kilkoma typami kapsla, ale najczęściej z kapsla (również znany jako pieczęcie korony).
Briza studied the contractions and the crowning cap of the coming child's white hair, and calculated the time to the moment of birth.
Briza zbadała kurczenia się i ostatnią czapkę białego włosa przychodzącego dziecka, i obliczyć czas do momentu narodzin.
I remember my dad used to wear those old fashioned flat crown caps, and he would make me wear them too, and I didn't like them.
Pamiętam, że mój tata użył by nosić ci stare zrobione mieszkanie kapsla, i sprawiłby, że noszę ich też, i nie lubiłem ich.
The height of the crown cap was reduced and specified in the German standard DIN 6099 in the 1960s.
Wysokość kapsla została zredukowana i określiła w niemieckim standardzie DIN 6099 w 1960s.
Various studies are underway, although one data point is that producers in Champagne have aged their wines under crown cap for quite some time with no apparent outcry.
Różne nauki są w toku, pomimo że jeden dane punkt jest że producenci w Szampania mają w wieku ich wina pod kapsla dla całkiem kiedyś z żadnymi oczywistymi głosami protestu.
William Painter, an American of British descent, invented the crown cap for bottled carbonated beverages in 1891, and obtained patents 468.226 and 468.258 for it on February 2, 1892.
William Malarz, Amerykanin brytyjskiego zejścia, wynaleźć kapsla dla rozlanych do butelek gazowanych napojów w 1891, i uzyskane patenty 468.226 i 468.258 dla tego 2 lutego 1892.
It is named "J Spout" because the thin neck resembles the letter J. It was Crown's official move to canning beer instead of solely producing crown caps.
To jest nazwane "J Spout" ponieważ wąska szyja jest podobna do listu j. to był formalny ruch Korony do piwa przetwórczego zamiast wyłącznie produkując kapsla.
A major factory for bottle crown caps Bruenninghaus developed out of a factory for bicycle saddles, called Metall und Leder.
Główna fabryka dla butelki kapsla Bruenninghaus rozwinięty z fabryki dla siodeł rowerowych, Metall zadzwoniono und Leder.
By the end of the 1940s, the company had sixty-five plants, including eight plants producing fiber and paper containers, four plants producing crown caps, and one plant producing plastics.
Przed końcem z 1940 s, spółka miała sześćdziesiąt pięć roślin, w tym osiem roślin dających włókno i papierowe pojemniki, cztery rośliny wytwarzające kapsla, i jedna roślina wytwarzająca plastiki.
The crown cork (also known as a crown seal, crown cap or just a cap), the first form of bottle cap, was invented by William Painter in 1892 in Baltimore.
Korona korek (również znany jako korona pieczęć, kapsla albo właśnie czapka), pierwsza klasa kapsla, został wynaleziony przez William Painter w 1892 w Baltimore.
After La Beltraneja's cause was defeated in the Battle of Toro, Plasencia paid the penalty and the Castilian Crown capped the towers of the nobles' palaces.
Potem La powód Beltraneja został zwyciężony w Bitwie Toro, Plasencia zapłaciła wysoką cenę i kastylijska Korona pokryła wierzchołek wież arystokratów 'pałace.
These days, Belgian beers are sold in brown- (or sometimes dark green-) tinted glass bottles (to avoid negative effects of light on the beverage) and sealed with a cork, a metal crown cap, or sometimes both.
Obecnie, belgijskie piwa zostaną sprzedane w brązowy- (albo czasami ciemny zielony-) podbarwione szklane butelki (uniknąć negatywnych skutków światła na napoju) i opieczętowany korkiem, metalowa kapsla, albo czasami obydwa.
Some traditional finishes include: 26 mm standard crown cap, 38 mm lug finish, 38 mm continuous thread with plastic sleeve, 38 mm ROPP and 28 mm continuous thread finishes.
Jakieś tradycyjne końce obejmują: 26 standard mm kapsla, 38 koniec mm rączki, 38 mm ciągła nić z plastikową koszulką, 38 mm ROPP i 28 mm ciągła nić końce.
I pause before heading back, by cab or on foot, less than an hour after setting out, and the steps are a good perch for eyeing some Rockefeller Center skyscrapers, the gold crown capping the Crown Building, at 57th Street, and the corner windows of Saks, at 50th Street.
Przerywam przed nagłówkiem z powrotem, przez taksówkę albo pieszo, mniej niż godzina po wyruszaniu, i kroki są dobrą grzędą dla przyglądania się jakiemuś Rockefellerowi Centrum drapacze chmur, złota korona pokrywająca wierzchołek Korona Budynek, przy 57th Street, i okna Saks narożnikowe, przy 50th Street.
Other beers in this style are mostly ale style (except one other) and all are packaged in 750ml glass, corked and caged bottles, Kasteel Cru is unique because it is a lager, and packaged in a thick 330ml (11.2 oz) bottle with a crown cap and punt.
Inne piwa w tym stylu są przeważnie stylem ale (z wyjątkiem jednego inny) wszystko razem są zapakowany 750 ml szkło, zakorkowany i zamknięty w klatce butelki, Kasteel Cru jest jedynym, który robi ponieważ to jest piwo pełne jasne, i zapakowany gruby 330 ml (11.2 oz) butelka z kapsla i łodzią płaskodenną.
Uwaga: Tłumaczenia dodatkowych przykładów nie były weryfikowane przez naszych lektorów - mogą zawierać błędy.