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By it we saw a dense shadow, that reached from the ground to three hundred feet or so above us.
She looked around, as if someone was waiting for her and would jump out of the dense shadows.
Once within the streets, I kept close in the dense shadows of the walls.
Beyond him, the lower hall of the house stretched in dense shadow.
Now they came to the dense shadow under the side of the Thuria.
Out from the dense shadows of the cryptomeria they went.
The third figure in the tree was hidden by the dense shadows near the stem.
So long as he kept the dense shadows behind him he could not be seen.
The thin cone of light picked out one dense shadow from all the rest.
Into a copse of trees, where he held them in the dense shadows for a moment.
His head broke the surface in a cone of dense shadow between the ship and the quay.
The van started moving again, a dense shadow splashing slowly past him.
Despite the dense shadows he could see a stool by the hearth.
As the mist cleared, it revealed a landscape of dense shadows.
She examined the dense shadow that glinted just at the edge of her vision.
Against the dense shadows hovered a shimmering patch of light.
I was, however, sure that they had not yet caught sight of us in the dense shadow of the trees.
A dark figure stepped up from dense shadow at Magnan's elbow.
Darkness closed about them within the alley's dense shadows.
They moved slowly according to prearranged plan into the dense shadows near the roadway.
The light moved on; Henry rose to a crouch, his feet dashed for a dense shadow.
From the dense shadows just beyond the firelight, two blazing eyes were flaming.
The moon shone full upon him, but the opposite side of the palisade he knew must be in dense shadow.
The rest of the narrow bricked passageway lay in dense shadow.
Then they moved carefully through the dense shadows in the open-fronted workshops along the east wall of the fort.