Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Our digital footprints speak for us, even when we're not around.
The digital footprint of everything you do or have done is available for the world to see.
In the time of internet people also talk about digital footprints.
The child doesn't even have a name yet, but already it has a digital footprint.
There are ways to make your digital footprint difficult to track.
In addition to this, the campaign's digital footprint grew to 91 million.
Our children are leaving that digital footprint as they grow up.
"What my company stands for is creating the digital footprint you want."
Increasingly, you leave a trail of digital footprints throughout your day.
Later the user paid to have their digital footprint removed from the site.
However, one thing became apparent early on: Holmes has very few digital footprints.
Some have used the term digital footprint to refer to individual traces.
They did the digital footprint search, couldn't find anything.
Active digital footprints can also be stored in many ways depending on the situation.
His name may not have been known before this week, but his digital footprints were large.
But there are a variety of tools to minimize your digital footprint.
This can also be a disadvantage for the user who is leaving the digital footprints.
''This report shows that we should all take a moment to think about our own digital footprint and who we'll pass it on to.
She shrugged off the lack of a digital footprint.
It is impossible for criminals to completely erase their digital footprint.
As of noon today, my digital footprint so far this year was 222 gigabytes.
Give people the choice to be tracked without having to constantly erase their digital footprint.
There are two main classifications for digital footprints: passive and active.
Every kind of life transaction now that we live through is based on our data, our digital footprint.
You want to look for the digital footprints.
"It's almost like these days the things we do online cast a digital shadow."
Unless it's specifically recorded over, it just hangs around in the digital shadows for ever.
"Life's just not fair," West sings, as a second, distorted vocal track retraces his syllables like a digital shadow.
His use of film, light and mirrors to show his viewers their own "digital shadow," combines a rigour of ideas with immediate visual effectiveness.
XHSDD has two digital shadow channels.
In her motion-capture suit, Sky wanders around the audience at the old Capitol Theatre, her movements becoming those of her digital shadow.
The digital shadow information includes credit-card trails of purchasing behavior, names on mailing lists, Web surfing histories, even surveillance images captured at airports, urban centers, traffic crossings.
"But at the same time, G.P.S. is a natural extension of computer system design, which has very much to do with tracking, with arranging for things to cast digital shadows."
It was launched with 50 founding members including Ratesetter, Transferwise, Azimo, Digital Shadows, HSBC, Barclays and IBM.
As Ubisoft point out, every city now has its own "digital shadow" and for those that like to keep their social media public, finding yourself on the map might come as a bit of a nasty surprise.
These images do not offer details, but the blurred colors and lines on the posters give a gauzy, spectral aspect to the human figures, unveiling their presence like a digital shadow haunting the real world.
Manage Your "Digital Shadow" Since the National Security Agency allegations relate to online spying, it's worth starting with the information you're leaving behind when you use your phone or go online.
In the meantime, government taxation collectors are lurking in the digital shadows, wringing their hands at their inability to effectively collect tax revenue for the millions of dollars of transactions flowing across borders.
On the World Wide Web, the internet footprint; also known as cyber shadow, electronic footprint, or digital shadow, is the information left behind as a result of a user's web-browsing and stored as cookies.
"Digital technology is a new technology, it gives us many more possibilities," said 44-year-old Chinese short story author turned director Zhu Wen whose film "Thomas Mao" is part of the "Digital Shadows: Last Generation Chinese Film" retrospective.
Passion has recently invested in a cyber-security company called Digital Shadows.
So the fourth element of the plan is to set up programmes to support the best cyber start-ups - excellent British companies like GlassWall, Garrison, Digital Shadows and Titania, who I am glad to see here with us.
Also Digital Shadows, a London based cyber intelligence firm which helps businesses protect themselves from hackers, has announced they will be opening their first US office and creating another 30 jobs.