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A state judge will not deal with Sergeant Guslavage's suit until the department issues its disciplinary ruling.
Cuffs unsuccessfully appealed the disciplinary ruling to the Iowa Board of Regents, who refused to hear the case.
The penalties represented a quick and decisive step by Budig, who has been criticized for being too deliberate or too lenient in his disciplinary rulings since he became league president in 1994.
It also considers appeals on judicial and quasi-judicial decisions of various kinds, such as matters relating to the legality of Knesset elections and disciplinary rulings of the Bar Association.
Using language that often sounded more like a crime novel than a disciplinary ruling, a five-member panel of the Supreme Court's Appellate Division decided to suspend Ms. Backal indefinitely, pending a hearing by the court's disciplinary committee, which will now seek to have her disbarred.
The passage and amendment discussed in the conference report were specifically intended to assure that the self-regulatory organizations of the securities industry, such as the exchanges and what was then the National Association of Securities Dealers, had legal authority to enforce disciplinary rulings against their members made by their own arbitration panels.