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Eddy diffusion or "K" models can exhibit this problem.
Diffusion is modelled as a random walk process, scaled by the eddy diffusion coefficient.
The model uses a constant vertical eddy diffusion coefficient and assumes the sediments to be the sole source of the chemical species.
Finally the eddy diffusion is superimposed on the larger scale bulk 'diffusion' or convective flow processes.
As advection can be considered to be negligible, the major parameter of interest is the vertical eddy diffusion coefficient Kz.
This difference showed that viscosity and heat conduction were important for the laboratory measurements, but eddy diffusion of heat and momentum dominated the atmospheric cells.
Where is an "eddy diffusion coefficient" for , which is typically taken as a function of a length scale and local vertical gradients of .
Liddicoat (submitted) Vertical eddy diffusion and nutrient supply to the surface mixed layer of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current.
The temperature microstructure technique produces snapshot-estimates of mixed layer eddy diffusion, length scale of eddy size, micro-stratification (including fluorometry).
The actual rate at which the core spreads with time or distance can be related quantitatively to the vigor of mixing, usually indicated by "coefficients of eddy diffusion".
A, B, and C are constants related to solute flow anisotropy (eddy diffusion), molecular longitudinal diffusion, and mass transfer properties respectively.
The linear approximation, the eddy diffusivity equation with an eddy diffusion coefficient K, allowed Ekman to obtain a simple logarithmic spiral solution.
E0190 Eddy diffusion Turbulent diffusion Diffusion of matter or of air particle properties, such as heat and momentum, by eddies in a turbulent flow.
In this approach, the diffusion rate at each pressure level is parameterized by a quantity known as the eddy diffusion coefficient, K (also sometimes called eddy diffusivity, with units of m s).
Substituting into the first continuity equation and ignoring reactions, sources, and molecular diffusion results in the following differential equation considering only the turbulent diffusion approximation in eddy diffusion:
Internal tides at El Pichincho can elevate the turbulent vertical diffusivity values (or Eddy diffusion), and with a reduction of the Richardson number at the base of the pycnocline.
Eddy diffusion, eddy dispersion, multipath, or turbulent diffusion is any diffusion process by which substances are mixed in the atmosphere or in any fluid system due to eddy motion.
Vertical eddy diffusion coefficients (Kz) were determined for the surface waters at several sites in Lake Ontario and along the Upper St. Lawrence River using the water column distribution patterns of hydrogen peroxide.
The eddy diffusion coefficient for sediment is assumed to equal the eddy viscosity coefficient in the combined wave-current boundary layer; this latter coefficient is calculated using assumed boundary layer relationships under non-breaking waves.
The following topics in mass transfer are included: molecular and eddy diffusion, mass transfer coefficients, interphase mass transfer, and mixing. Phase equilibrium behaviour and correlations are reviewed and extended from an engineering point of view.
Satellite airglow observations in conjunction with a model for the photochemical and dynamical processes in the altitude range 80 to 120 km have been used to obtain the global and temporal variations of atomic oxygen concentration, eddy diffusion, and circulation.
The associated eddy diffusion increases the rate of mass transfer within the bulk of the fluid, and the convection of material away from the particles decreases the size of the boundary layer, where most of the resistance to mass transfer occurs.
K-theory assumes that mixing for heat, water vapor and pollutant concentration occurs only between adjacent layers of the CBL, and that the magnitude of mixing is determined by the eddy diffusion coefficient and local gradients of corresponding scalars .