On July 31, the military police escorted the supply convoy to the south of the country.
The police escorted the group to a spot just outside the square's boundaries.
No one was hurt, and the police quickly escorted the group off the course.
The tension continued into this morning, as the police escorted wholesalers to and from the market.
The police eventually came along and escorted him away, but other than everything else was fine.
He then fell to the ground as police pulled the two women off him and escorted them away.
Both groups spent the whole night outside the mound until the police escorted the team and the artifacts to their hotel the next morning.
The police later escorted the students safely from the area on five buses.
The police escorted me to these places because they never wanted a big scandal.
The police escorted a parent out of the auditorium, but the man was not arrested.
Indeed, yesterday's run was too small to warrant police escorts.
State officials said they did not know how much the police escorts would cost.
Our police escort leaves us; the group now stretches over a mile.
After the game, the Wreck's police escort abandoned the car.
Army personnel did not know their way around London and would need police escorts.
It must be the police escorts that go with the job.
And what about the fans who drove private cars without police escorts?
A police escort was provided for some time, but in the end, the stalking continued.
The police escort was being dropped, he said, after a routine review.
Residents were not allowed back into their apartments without police escorts.