Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
In 2015 the company is planning to start up the experimental production.
The cost of materials included in this experimental production is $10,000.
The product or output from such activities is generally known as experimental production.
Working on a similar budget, he intended to make the experimental production process integral to the final film.
Experimental production is required to test whether a product with the necessary qualities can be produced.
During this period, he also participated in many educational or experimental productions.
Several additional countries started assessing their reserves or had built experimental production plants.
The 317-seat venue presents new plays, experimental productions and works in development.
If all have been answered correctly then it may be time to consider an experimental production planting.
Prior to this, experimental production of the disease in sheep was difficult and irregular.
Currently, it is used as a black box theatre, and many of the smaller or experimental productions take place there.
The theater was known for showcasing small independent and experimental productions.
"It will be a flexible space for experimental productions."
At first, this group performed experimental productions for subscription audiences only.
In this paper we will refer to this as the "required experimental production".
It also provided a multi purpose space that was used as a second performance area for experimental productions.
It specialized in experimental productions of both ancient and contemporary opera.
Experimental production or prototype production may also be a qualified activity.
The school also has a smaller recital hall and a theater where experimental productions are performed.
Experimental production carried out as part of the experimental development is eligible.
This recycling route has been executed on an industrial scale in Japan as experimental production.
Despite being an independent experimental production, the album included songs that are quite representative of Luis' particular style.
If the proxy method is used, the employee must be directly engaged in performing the experimental production.
I have started the experimental production of press-molded tiles.
Experimental production has been made in Europe and in Australia.