Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
To the latter belong especially the experimental sciences and philosophy.
But this is making demands which are wildly at variance with the methodology and history of the experimental sciences.
In the experimental sciences, data collected from experiments are often visualized by a graph.
For example the experimental sciences uses as "best practice":
The only two majors that are offered are math-physics and experimental sciences.
However, genidentity has never been explicitly discussed in the experimental sciences.
Faustus, as you've seen, knows the experimental sciences.
"A time when religion and philosophy have become experimental sciences, subject to hands-on manipulation by engineers.
An example often used to illustrate the difference between reliability and validity in the experimental sciences involves a common bathroom scale.
That is a different process than testing a theory in the experimental sciences, which compares prediction with experimental data.
The stringent two-year curriculum requires mastery in six academic groups: English, foreign language, social studies, experimental sciences, mathematics and arts.
Thus, the constitution of physics, the collective name of the experimental sciences, rendered necessary an effort towards unification.
Group 4: Experimental sciences.
There may be oral presentations (used in languages), practical work (in experimental sciences and performing arts), or written works.
Established in 1962, it was originally conceived as the University Research Center, encompassing both the cultural and the experimental sciences.
Biomusicologists are expected to have completed formal studies in both biology or other experimental sciences and musicology including music theory.
His view was that mathematics was valued in its connection with philosophy as well as with experimental sciences.
Serial dilutions are widely used in experimental sciences, including biochemistry, pharmacology, microbiology, and physics.
The university has three schools: Social Sciences, Health and Experimental Sciences, and Technical.
Healthy competition discourages such foot-dragging in the experimental sciences because researchers who hog a new finding or technique for too long risk its independent discovery by others.
These activities do not describe all that scientists do (see below) but apply mostly to experimental sciences (e.g., physics, chemistry, and biology).
In the study of literature, quantitative methods can never achieve the primacy which they enjoy in the experimental sciences and in many branches of social studies.
Founded in 1996, the University has around 6,500 students training in basic sciences (maths, science) and experimental sciences (physics, chemistry and biosciences).
Some see a dichotomy between experimental sciences and purely "observational" sciences such as astronomy, meteorology, oceanography and seismology.
After the first year of high school, students choose their general branch (Mathematics and Physics, Experimental sciences, Social sciences, Arts, etc.).