The the indisputable fact is the private sector does more for less already.
Of course, there was the indisputable fact that he had saved Nguyen's life.
Given this indisputable fact, it can only be a matter of time before another and far larger impact wipes us out too.
But the indisputable fact is that the bulk of the tax cut will go to the wealthy.
I would be sympathetic if you could locate for me one indisputable fact.
He said this without emotion, just stating it as a clear, indisputable fact.
It was based on several indisputable facts that he'd discovered during his time as a ghost.
And while it's not real science, the show emphasizes an indisputable fact: reading can be delightful.
It's all indisputable fact, and I can't believe it was anything but a dream.
Then the lawyer started up again, not believing him, saying the evidence was all there, looking for a reason behind an indisputable fact.