Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
But perhaps the most fertile period of invention was the late 20th century.
And no previous exhibition has ever tried to bring together the work created in this fertile period.
Well, can't you estimate your fertile period and avoid it?"
The couple then abstains from intercourse during the fertile period.
The industry, he said, is entering its most fertile period since the 1920's, when radio and talking pictures exploded onto the scene.
This was a fertile period in the visual arts.
This became a very fertile period, with Alaimo producing many hit records.
Thus began a hugely fertile period in her development.
Mating is most common during a female's most fertile period.
It permits patients, who would otherwise be confined to institutions during the fertile period of life, to return to their homes and friends.
During this fertile period, Docktor also pursued a separate career as a fine artist.
When her first fertile period arrives, it's you they mean to assign to cover her.
During that fertile period, many of the themes and subjects which the artist would employ throughout his career were invented.
Many innovations in the various forms of portraiture evolved during this fertile period.
The decade which followed is generally regarded as Mingus's most productive and fertile period.
It takes years for symptoms to appear in many infected young adults, and they may feel well for most of their fertile period.
A series from the early 90's has the self-fulfilling group title "Fertile Period."
Siqueiros worked in Argentina when he was 37, during a particularly fertile period in his career.
Among the significant publications of this fertile period were:
A few days are added to this fertile period for safety's sake, because it is so difficult to determine just when ovulation occurs.
FA can be used with barrier contraception so that intercourse may continue through the fertile period.
The gallery's five-year run spanned a fertile period in the New York art world.
Chimpanzees display a visible swelling during their fertile period.