Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
When she started to come out of her fugue state.
By early evening, we are both in a fugue state.
He and his men had passed the centuries in a kind of fugue state.
If she slips into a fugue state, or something similar, we'll know.
It makes him open to a kind of visionary fugue state.
A fugue state during which she'd incorporated various elements from her research.
Do you think she's been doing things in a fugue state?"
Shaking free of her fugue state, she turned to gaze at him.
She had finally stirred from her fugue state and was coming up the stairs after them.
While they had started with attraction, in his fugue state he raped her.
But you haven't seen me in this fugue state.
During the fugue state, individuals completely lose their identity, later assuming a new one.
But you are in the fugue state of an amnesiac episode,?
It was as if she was in a sort of mental fugue state.
The woman to my left snapped out of her commuter fugue state and laughed.
But when I went into a fugue state again, the emergency started bringing you back to normal."
For Wren, it was a relatively simple slip down into fugue state.
Maybe turning 45 the other day has put me in some kind of permanent nostalgic fugue state.
Soon he was suffering the agonies of withdrawal from one fugue state to another.
He was in some kind of fugue state.
Fugue state; the best mode from which to observe.
He hadn't murdered and buried Luki while in a fugue state.
Maybe he'd simply replaced the alpha assembly himself while in a fugue state, and forgot.
It can exhibit itself in a fugue state known as the Antarctic stare.
He entered a fugue state where his existence was centered upon running, running.