Finally, new sensory input systems were required if the animal was to have any ability to function reasonably while on land.
Even if many components failed, the system would still continue to function reasonably well until someone was sufficiently exasperated to make repairs.
Usually during these black periods he functioned reasonably well, but it was as though he was someone else.
She could have functioned reasonably well with the pair of cuffs dangling from her right hand.
However, through the social organization provided by the church, minimal incomes and small-town rural life, most families functioned reasonably well until the 1950's.
"The ship is functioning reasonably well," said Wren.
The only transportation that seems to function reasonably well is the opera limo and shuttle, but even reserving these options takes effort.
As long as everybody agreed not to notice the Prince's extended absence, the engines of state continued to function reasonably well.
"But in orienteering I found that my brain, which functioned reasonably well, leveled the playing field."
Mora is functioning reasonably well, but he has limitations.