It allowed a donor or testator to subject the estate he was giving to certain conditions on their transmission.
In the Bacton case, permission for development was given after two exhaustive public inquiries, but subject to rigorous conditions.
A court order may be given for access to terms and conditions of which the consumer has already consented.
However, attention is given to local socio-cultural practices and conditions in applying foreign legal principles.
A member of many church societies, he gave special attention to conditions in Liberia.
Early prisons were used primarily to sequester criminals and little thought was given to living conditions within their walls.
But he said the accident gave new impetus to improving conditions for all forest workers.
For too many years we have been in a situation of uncertainty that has given rise to conditions of speculation.
We must give due consideration to inhumane conditions for animals for slaughter, as it goes on with the support of the Union.
This scheme gave registered dockers the legal right to minimum work and decent conditions.