Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
One thing these people all have in common is money.
The two of them have something in common after all.
At the time, the table in common use was from 1983.
But many who know them say they have much in common.
But the two groups have a few things in common.
We have a lot of the same problems in common.
The two have both little and a great deal in common.
So right away, those two had something in common to talk about.
On the other hand, they have some things in common.
At first, the women seemed to have nothing in common.
She looks like me and we have so much in common.
About all they had in common was their political party.
But who might have more in common than one would think.
You might not think these two would have much in common.
The men have more in common than their 25-year working relationship.
The two made a good team but have little in common.
They also have very little in common with one another.
We were not social friends and had little in common.
Alone or with friends, the two have a lot in common.
Do these two things have something in common with each other?
What a thing to have in common with the man you.
Still, he has more in common with him than you do.
We may have things in common, but you are not me.
How could they understand one another, with so little in common?
The only thing you'd have in common is your age.