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Many industrial effluents contain toxic metals that must be removed.
The major source of pollution are agrochemical overdose and industrial effluents.
Proper pre-treatment of solid waste and industrial effluents is an established technology.
The dumping of industrial effluents and pesticides from agriculture has resulted in additional pollution.
There are similar problems with industrial effluents.
Water pollution from industrial effluents is a considerable challenge and the risk of continued contamination is very likely.
Other areas of the law target better treatment of industrial effluents, and improving water supply networks.
In the norm is established the maximum limit for industrial effluents in the federal district.
This, according to the board was due to the disposal of industrial effluents that no government board monitored regularly at the time.
Since 1930, the lake gradually started receiving sewage and industrial effluents through the feeder nullahs.
Due to industrial effluents and straightenings of the river's course the Lippe was in an ecological disastrous condition.
Untreated or inadequately treated domestic and industrial effluents from point sources located all over the basin.
Industrial effluents are about 12% of the total volume of effluent reaching the Ganges.
Industry established along the expressway will dump all their industrial effluents and garbage directly into the river Ganges.
Not to mention industrial effluents.
However, heavy industrial effluents and wastewater discharges in the later 20th century caused the rivers to become heavily polluted.
However it is filthy mainly due to the presence of slums and the discharge of industrial effluents.
Environmental issues in Iran include, especially in urban areas, vehicle emissions, refinery operations, and industrial effluents which contribute to poor air quality.
Inevitably, untreated domestic sewage, solid waste and industrial effluents entered into the catchment area of this lake.
But New Jersey's sludge can not be disposed of this way because it contains heavy metals from industrial effluents, he said.
It refers to an Ecuadorean law that specifies the distance between a toilet and its outlet but apparently has nothing to say about industrial effluents.
Vacuum evaporators are used in a wide range of industrial sectors to treat industrial effluents and wastewater.
Levels of contamination in the reservoirs are variable on seasonal basis; however, the discharge of industrial effluents is constant.
Electronics) has discharged untreated industrial effluents and population has grown at a faster rate than the rest of Mexico.
The river is nothing more than a mere stream when it begins and is contaminated with industrial effluents and sewage.