The staff is young and attractive, and the first offering, a bread basket filled with an international array, is very encouraging.
In the grand estate Garfield now calls home, he receives the royal treatment, including a butler and an international array of four-legged servants and followers.
Wexner Center exhibitions feature the art and ideas of an international array of contemporary artists.
Turtle Bay, the area that is home to the United Nations, is also, fittingly, home to an international array of restaurants.
And no guest would turn down a night floor bedrwwomf urnished with an international array of antiques.
Images by an international array of more than 170 photographers are on view in PHotoEspaña.
Then an international array of 260 galleries that deal in 20th-century works gather to display their photographs, sculpture, video and more at Art Basel.
The festival, which will run through July 11, will bring an international array of events to theaters, museums and concert halls throughout the city.
Behind the Spaulings name stands an international array of artists assembled for the exhibition by the collective known as the Bernadette Corporation.
As a cinema of ideas, Film Forum is committed to presenting an international array of films that treat diverse social, political, historical and cultural realities.