Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
There has been no investment in modernisation.
The corporate policy at the beginning of the 1970s focused on investments in modernization and streamlining.
Among the reasons cited by Moody's were higher costs of jet fuel, softer travel demand and heavy investment in modernization and expansion.
The Venezuelan telephone company has been hurt by years of subsidized phone rates, politically motivated managerial appointments and a lack of investment in modernization.
Investment in Modernization Perhaps a more important show of commitment to the Bloomington employees was a $20 million investment to modernize the plant's production lines.
The strategy is also silent on the importance and planned investments in modernization, which is key to maintaining a credible deterrent that can be deployed forward.
Geneva Steel, a 1987 spinoff from USX that has been losing money despite heavy investments in modernization, is following the tried-and-true antidumping route.
High on the list of priorities is an overhaul of the system of wages and prices, whose distortions limit productivity and drain capital needed for investment in modernization.
Although the United States already has the world's most advanced weapons, continued investment in modernization is needed to keep the armed forces prepared for the rapidly changing military needs of the future.
With modest investments in modernization and the introduction of some Western personnel management techniques, they have created far more efficient and profitable factories, although cramped conditions and 19th-century layouts remain.
They note that Figgie says that most of its investment in modernization is behind it and that the company has retained investment bankers to help it sell noncore assets.
AFSC led the way for acquisition improvements with greater reliance on multi-year contracting to stabilize weapons programs and increased investment in modernization programs for the defense industrial base.
Now Durgapur Steel Plant is operating at above its rated capacity and earning profits after deduction of substantial amount of interest and depreciation resulting from the massive investment in modernization.
His massive investments in modernization of Jamaica's infrastructure and restructuring of the country's financial sector are widely credited with having led to Jamaica's greatest period of investment in tourism, mining, ICT and energy since the 1960s.
"Our industry has enjoyed a very good period since the privatizations in 1990, with a lot of investments in modernization and good prices," said Miguel Elenes Inchaurregui, associate editor of Acero Steel, a Mexican magazine that reports on the industry.