Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Investments in securities such as bonds, common stock, or long-term notes.
Higher interest rates help support the dollar because they attract foreign investment in securities that have to be bought with dollars.
Gordon Gecko is given 20bn quid by his bank to investment in securities.
Investment advisers provide professional advice to their clients regarding investments in securities.
The bank has also said it wants to shift some of its $28 billion investment in securities into loans, where profit margins are larger.
It handles a variety of assets including investments in securities, real estate, and private equity.
It is engaged primarily in online retail banking and investment in securities.
The money will be used for general purposes, including investments in securities, debt repayment and financing acquisitions.
Capped at 15 percent, it would apply to personal investments in securities and homes, but not to whole buildings, Picassos or beef.
For example it is often used as a synonym for fixed assets or for investments in securities.
Single-country funds, or closed-end companies that concentrate investments in securities of a particular nation, gained immense popularity last year.
The Holiday Property Bond is a life assurance bond investment in securities and assets.
A portfolio investment is a passive investment in securities, none which entails in active management or control of the securities' issued by the investor.
Like mutual funds, segregated funds consist of a pool of investments in securities such as bonds, debentures, and stocks.
Analysts estimate investments in securities of companies in bankruptcy or on the verge of it now exceed $20 billion, compared with $1 billion a decade ago.
Under the provisions, the customers must be told that their investments in securities, mutual funds and other products that may be sold by the banks are not insured.
In fact, the overwhelming majority of beneficiaries are the heirs of people who made their fortunes through their businesses and investments in securities and real estate.
It is also the investment in securities that is intended for financial gain only and does not create a lasting interest in or effective management control over an enterprise.
Under prodding, Mr. Perot said that he favors a capital gains tax cut - though at different rates for investments in businesses and investments in securities.
But, unable to make loans as fast as the money has been pouring in, many banks have sharply increased their investments in securities, mainly those backed by mortgages.
Senator Glass, Representative Steagall, and others claimed banks had made too many loans for securities speculation and too many direct bank investments in securities.
Altus, which has $17 billion in assets, has no holdings in the United States other than investments in securities funds, Mr. Guenther said.
But some startling new figures on OPEC investments in securities markets here suggest that Wall Street may have more of a stake in future oil prices than it realizes.
However, this restriction does not apply to investments in securities issued or guaranteed by an OECD Member State or its local authorities, supranational institutions or organizations.
We call upon Member States, for instance, to repeal restrictions on pension fund investments in securities listings or exchanges in other Member States and in unlisted securities.