Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
The tape moved at a speed of 7.5 inches per second.
Speeds of about two inches per second have been reached.
The standard recording speed at the time was 15 inches per second.
This required the system to run at a high tape speed of 11.26 inches per second.
The solid fuel burned at so many inches per second.
Enough to bump a 150 pound person to a speed of 6 inches per second.
Why not make the groove move at twenty inches per second throughout the whole disc?
The paper used in the machine is mounted on a drum rotating at 150 inches per second.
Be sure they are battery operated and run at 1% inches per second.
Elijah Otis's first passenger elevator managed eight inches per second.
Only a small percentage of time is spent in translating to a new location, usually at low velocity, generally less than 6 inches per second.
The capstan tape speed is 3.7 inches per second, which provided a long record time of up to 5 five hours on large reels.
To save tape, the demos were recorded at 7.5 inches per second, half the speed used in professional studios.
The weapons operating at peak efficiency ate into the rock at the rate of eight inches per second.
See also inches per second and audio tape length and thickness for comparisons with other media.
The master mix was also done at 7.5 inches per second as I recall, rather than the usual 15 ips.
Capstan-driven tape speed of 8 inches per second (10.5 inch reels)
Master tapes were recorded at 15 inches per second using professional Dolby "A" noise reduction.
The tape could be moved at 100 inches per second, giving a nominal transfer rate of 12,800 characters per second.
A hard-disk platter can spin underneath its head at speeds up to 3,000 inches per second (about 170 mph or 272 kph)!
Speed units of inches per second or in/s are also abbreviated IPS.
At the outside edge of a twelve-inch 78rpm record, the groove travels under the stylus at about 47 inches per second.
Mice with less image-processing power also have problems tracking fast movement, though some mice can track faster than 2 m/s (80 inches per second).
Sensor package 2 required an additional light source (such as daylight), had a resolution of a few millimeters and could scan at about 2.5 inches per second.
It burns HTPB fuel with an average erosion rate of 0.0011 inches per second.