Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Each device has an anodal electrode and a cathodal electrode.
Cathodal stimulation can treat psychological disorders that are caused by the hyper-activity of an area of the brain.
When negative stimulation (cathodal tDCS) is delivered, the current causes a hyperpolarization of the resting membrane potential.
Also, the electric field may depolarize the cell near the cathodal side opening voltage-gated calcium channels and allowing calcium ions to enter the cell.
There is a flux of these ions outside the cell and the shear force of solution movement is thought to pull the neurite in the cathodal direction.
The anodal electrode is the positively charged electrode and the cathodal electrode is the negatively charged electrode.
By comparing the results in subjects exposed to sham stimulation with the results of subjects exposed to anodal or cathodal stimulation, researchers can see how much of an effect is caused by the current stimulation, rather than by the placebo effect.