Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Devil a drop have you left in the great kilderkin.
"Kilderkin is the access word for a file in the computer at the Pentagon.
A kilderkin is a barrel or cask.
The kilderkin (from the Dutch for "small cask") is equal to half a barrel or two firkins.
Until the adoption of the imperial system the beer kilderkin was defined as 18 ale or beer gallons.
The ale kilderkin likewise underwent various redefintions.
"Kilderkin, huh?
Casks are available in several sizes, and it is common to refer to "a firkin" or "a kil" (kilderkin) instead of a cask.
KILDERKIN, small barrel.
But we go on: 2 firkins (I suppose the intermediate kind, but I'm not sure) make a kilderkin and 2 kilderkins make a barrel.
The ale or beer firkin (from Middle Dutch vierdekijn meaning "fourth") is a quarter of an ale or beer barrel or half a kilderkin.
Kilderkin of Order manifested as a lidless box with a servant djinn holding it, and Shivering Jemmy of the Shallow Brigade of Chaos as a young blonde girl with a balloon.
Re: the Blue Blazer - James who ran the pub for years and years now owns Kilderkin (Browns Close, 65 Canongate), formery Jenny Ha's and is doing some really good stuff down there.
Beer casks come in a number of sizes, but by far the most common in the pub trade are those of 9 gallons (72 pints or roughly 41 litres) which is known as a Firkin and 18 gallons (144 pints or roughly 83 litres) known as a Kilderkin.