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It innervates the scalp in the lateral area of the head posterior to the ear.
Therefore without the top or bottom (lateral area), the surface area is:
There are few buildings remaining in these mountains, usually in lateral areas or highest points.
Because of this hydraulic phenomenon the Tietê river needs a lateral area to absorb the floodwater.
Lateral areas of plates 2-7 have uniform sized tubercules
Lateral areas bear short, slightly oblique ribs.
The pavement consists of slabs of granite, with wood pedestals in lateral areas.
Librigenæ without lateral area or lateral furrow.
Skolakoceras: a riphaeoceratid with a subquadrate whorl section, venter and sides flattened, lateral areas bearing slightly oblique ribs.
Carlloceras has a moderately involute shell with a compressed trapezoidal whorl section, nearly flat ventral and lateral areas, and slight dorsal impression.
Seen under a magnifying-glass they seem to be studded with tiny pits, except on the lateral areas; on the anterior portion there is an oval yellowish-white mark.
Because soil quality may vary greatly with depth and over a wide lateral area, estimation of soil resistivity based on soil classification provide only a rough approximation.
Tubercules on plates 2-7 arranged in longitudinal rows near the center separated by a line of tubercules from the oblique rows of tubercules on lateral areas
Tinley Creek is consistently within the well's modeled zone of groundwater capture and lateral area of influence according to diagrams on the website of the Illinois EPA.
Rhiphaeonautilus: a riphaeoceratid like Pararhiphaeoceras, with a subtrapezoidal whorl section, but with short inflated ribs on the lateral areas and with a shallow lobe modifying the ventral saddle.
Some problems that arise when this muscle is tight or shortened are pelvic imbalances that lead to pain in hips, as well as pain in the lower back and lateral area of knees.
Both Tinley Creek and the Cal Sag Channel are located within the well's LAI or Lateral Area of Influence if the well is contributing more than approximately 13% of the village's drinking water supply.
Moreover, superficial liposuction can be combined with other treatment methods for contouring the gluteal region to achieve the required functional, anatomic correction, and the aesthetic enhancement sought by the patient, such as reshaping the lateral area of the buttocks into an athletic form.
Cheiloceratidae is a family of ammonoid cephalopods included in the goniatitid suborder Tornoceratina in which the suture has 4 to 12 lobes, the ventral one undivided and those in the lateral areas originating as subdivisions of internal and external lateral saddles.
The gena (Fig. 5) forms the whole of the lateral area below and posterior to the eyes on each side; near its junction with the clypeus is a facet for articulation with the ginglymus of the mandible and proximally it bears a cavity which receives the mandibular condyle.
The current version of the "Article for the cleaning of pavements ("Gehwegreinigungssatzung") issued on 8 March 2007 by the city administration mentions the Bächle in several passages: In pedestrian and traffic-calmed zones pavements are defined as the lateral areas separated by Bächle or gutters.
Indicating the big clinical viewscreen, it said, "As you can see, the Groalterri patient presented with a very large number, close on three hundred, punctured wounds that were equally divided over the dorsal and lateral areas and in the anterior region between the tentacles, where the tegument is thin and affords minimum natural protection.