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The compound eyes are prominent and occupy most of the lateral head that was originally exposed.
The plantaris closely follows the lateral head of the gastrocnemius.
There is often a dark lateral head stripe.
Men- steel cage mask (or heavy clear plastic) that covers the anterior and lateral head, with an opening in back.
The presence of a fibrous arch in the long head and lateral head further complicates the situation.
Lateral head often wanting; entire muscle absent.
The muscle is divided into three heads - the lateral head, long head and medial head.
Frequently there is a sesamoid bone called the "fabella" in the lateral head of gastrocnemius muscle.
Has low lateral head folds.
Some sources state the lateral border is the humerus, while others define it as the lateral head of the triceps.
It perforates the lateral head of the triceps brachii muscle at the triceps' attachment to the humerus.
Also slightly fringed or a smooth anterior nasal flaps with no triangular lobes on lateral head folds.
Tiktaalik also lacked a characteristic that most fishes have-bony plates in the gill area that restrict lateral head movement.
The flexor hallucis has a medial and a lateral head inserted laterally to the abductor hallucis.
The fabella is a sesamoid bone located inside the gastrocnemius lateral head tendon on the posterior side of the knee, in about 25% of people.
The lateral head is used for movements requiring occasional high-intensity force, while the medial fascicle enables more precise, low-force movements.
It divides into filaments, which supply the medial and lateral heads of the Triceps brachii and the Anconæus muscles.
Due to the external (lateral) rotation, the work is shifted forward and the lateral head of the deltoid assist the lateral rotators in transverse abduction.
Plantaris originates on the femur proximal to the lateral head of the gastrocnemius and its long tendon is embedded medially into the Achilles tendon.
This pouch is created in the embryo by a flap or lateral head sclerite near the mouth on each side of the head which fuses with the labium.
It arises from the inferior part of the lateral supracondylar line of the femur at a position slightly superior to the origin of the lateral head of gastrocnemius.
The lateral head originates from the lateral condyle of the femur, while the medial head originates from the medial condyle of the femur.
After protracting its vibrissae to the most forward position and making lateral head movements, the seal can locate and follow a trail of 40 meters even when sharp turns to the trail are added.
Above and behind the lateral epicondyle is an area for the origin of the lateral head of the Gastrocnemius, above and to the medial side of which the Plantaris arises.