The years were not numbered in a linear succession but according to a particular pharaoh's reign, each mounting the throne in the year 1, and also according to the levy of taxes.
However, both authors are far from any technological determinism, which would read history as the linear succession of technological progress.
Look no further for proof that art history is less a linear succession of movements than a crazy quilt.
No small part, however, was played by Dmitri Donskoi's will, which ran contrary to Rurikid dynastic custom whereby the throne would pass from an elder brother to a younger one (lateral inheritance), rather than from father to son (linear succession).
In a convenient piece of straw-man targeting, he appears to imagine that all grand narratives are ruthlessly exclusivist and flatten everything to a mechanical linear succession.
The other three groups do not maintain a similar model of linear patriarchal succession.
However, the delivering of the consolamentum, on which historical Catharism was based, required a linear succession by a bon homme in good standing.
The story of the evolution of modern humans can be a bit confusing, species-wise, with many early hominins co-existing without an obvious linear succession.
Eliade argues that yearning to remain in the mythical age causes a "terror of history": traditional man desires to escape the linear succession of events (which, Eliade indicated, he viewed as empty of any inherent value or sacrality).
Thus it was only with Vasily II that the Muscovite princes were finally able to break the long-held tradition of collateral succession and establish a system of linear succession to the Muscovite throne.