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He told me that I looked like a mooncalf.
They may think we are new animals, a new sort of mooncalf perhaps!
I'd be a complete mooncalf not to jump at that deal!"
The doctor knew he was a mooncalf and was testing him.
He must be a natural immune, or a mooncalf favored by the gods.
Outside began a terrific bellowing, as if a mooncalf were in trouble.
Rachel boxed his ears frequently, and called him a mooncalf.
Are you such a mooncalf you don't see that?
Seize this mooncalf, take him down to the river, and throw him away!
After all, he wasn't a mooncalf any longer.
This mooncalf Bocher was not so stupid, after all!
The chuckle was replaced by a vision of him as a callow mooncalf.
Clint, it seems, has turned into a mooncalf.
"I do not look like a sick mooncalf!"
When finally they woke and emerged they were mooncalf.
Why am I acting like a mooncalf?
"Mad as a mooncalf, these Aedonites," he told himself.
Gavin Waylock cursed himself for a shallow fool, a mooncalf.
Does your mistress consider me such a mooncalf?"
Do you take me for a mooncalf?' "
"The mooncalf doesn't hop, and it hasn't got wings."
They are aided by a talking parrot and encounter many other magical creatures, including a mooncalf.
But he had been busy strutting like a mooncalf over the man Roelstan's compliments.
(For the mooncalf invariably shuts its eyes in the presence of the sun.)
A number of very thick-looking crowbars lay about the floor, and had apparently assisted to turn the dead mooncalf over on its side.