Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
But do you know what's wrong with your nasal passages?
Can already feel my nasal passages open and it all went well.
She said doctors there wanted to test the girl's nasal passages.
And then the nasal passages had pushed the brain case back.
This is not surprising; nasal passages have been good to him.
See information on cleaning your nasal passages with salt water.
Something like 30% of people carry it in their nasal passages, and it's on your skin.
And a clear, free nose (nasal passages full of air).
Suddenly, as the cold air met the burning nasal passages, my suffering made sense to me.
There was no end to the sounds people made in clearing their nasal passages.
"What was that substance running out of the nasal passages before the victims died?"
The nasal passage was large and placed close to the beak.
No one was hurt, but lots of people walked around the town the next day with burning nasal passages.
Sniff quickly a few times to get the medicine deep into your nasal passages.
The solid can burn the skin and really damage the nasal passages.
It forms a partition between the nasal passages and the mouth.
The doctor chooses the approach based on several things, including the anatomy of the nasal passages.
One of the most important precautions is to keep your nasal passages moist.
Most recently, he has been fed with a tube inserted through his nasal passage.
They are connected to the nasal passages through narrow openings.
This reduces the blood flow to certain areas and allows nasal passages to open up.
Blocked nasal passages, which make it more difficult to inhale.
The process, called respiratory heat exchange, works best when the walls of the nasal passage have a large surface area.
The ganglia along my nasal passages went on to red alert.
So many bubbles shot up her nasal passages she could barely breathe.