Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
The rest room was nondiscriminatory and democratic but not aggressively so.
"In many cases, there can be a legitimate nondiscriminatory reason for not doing so."
"We believe the system is fair and nondiscriminatory," a company spokeswoman said.
Howard Law was the first school in the nation to have a nondiscriminatory admissions policy.
This state election scheme is reasonable and nondiscriminatory on its face.
Once the conditions for a nondiscriminatory and just society with a representative police service are established, the weapons issue will take care of itself.
The year the legal department was opened, the school declared a nondiscriminatory admissions policy.
The bad news: The known nuclear powers will never agree to a nondiscriminatory treaty.
Even political demonstrations are subject to nondiscriminatory regulation as to their time, place and manner.
They're absolutely nondiscriminatory, and it's a rare person who hasn't been pierced by one.
Mandatory retirement may be uniform; it is certainly not nondiscriminatory.
Public statements that all listings will be available on a nondiscriminatory basis.
He added that there was "insufficient evidence to show a nondiscriminatory basis for this pattern."
Fair, nondiscriminatory treatment ought to be the right of all Americans, whether they are a tiny group or a multitude.
Such providers are required to sell access to their networks on a nondiscriminatory basis.
Nonprofit insurers are required to cover all applicants at nondiscriminatory rates.
"Nondiscriminatory access is required for us to find that the market is open to competition."
But the bill says the requirements must be applied in a "uniform and nondiscriminatory" manner.
Merrill argued that there was a nondiscriminatory cause for women to hold so few senior management positions.
This prayer is nondiscriminatory, portable, and requires no collection plate.
The rest of the capacity would be available for leasing to third parties on a nondiscriminatory basis.
Most imports in this sector are subject to high but nondiscriminatory tariffs.
We see equal access to transmission lines and nondiscriminatory wheeling of power.
The Bush plan would set up a legal framework to assure that foreign services are treated on a nondiscriminatory basis.
Ultimately they had settled on the simplest, most nondiscriminatory way possible: geography.