Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Tłumaczenia dodatkowych przykładów zdań również generowane są przez automatyczny moduł i nie są weryfikowane przez naszych lektorów.
But the Spanish olive oil cake with kumquats was seamless and delicious.
Ale hiszpańskie ciasto oliwy z oliwek z kumkwatami było bez szwów i pyszne.
Spread the batter evenly in the oiled cake pan.
Rozsmaruj rzadkie ciasto równomiernie w naoliwionej formie.
There wasn't oil cake for the cows hi the New Lemuria.
Nie było makuchu dla krów cześć Nowa Lemuria.
Rust and oil caked the floor.
Rdza i olej pokryły skorupą podłogę.
A press cake or oil cake is the solids remaining after pressing something to extract the liquids.
Ciasto prasowe albo makuch jest bryłami pozostającymi po naciskaniu czegoś wydobyć płyny.
He is creating sweets like mascarpone parfait with citrus terrines and olive oil cake.
On stwarza cukierki jak deser lodowy serka mascarpone z drzewem cytrusowym terrines i oliwkowy makuch.
Oil cakes, manure, and leaves are thoroughly incorporated with the topsoil of the furrows and wood ash.
Makuchy, nawóz naturalny, i liście dokładnie są włączone z warstwą urodzajną bruzd i drewnianego jesionu.
(This recipe, and one for olive oil cake with candied tangerines, can be found at
(Ten przepis, i jeden dla oliwkowego makuchu z mandarynkami smażonymi w cukrze, móc zostać znalezionym przy / podejmując obiadem.)
The hill woman sat on a hassock, a half-eaten oil cake clutched in her hands, staring open-mouthed at Miles in all his power and polish.
Wzgórze kobieta usiadła na podnóżku, połowa-jeść/zjeść makuch trzymał kurczowo w jej rękach, patrzeniu jak urzeczony u Milesa w całej jego mocy i połysku.
This study also concluded that apple seed oil could be used as an edible oil, with the oil cake being used to supplement animal feed.
Ta nauka również wywnioskowała, że jabłkowe nasiona olej mógł być używany jako olej jadalny, z makuchem używającym by uzupełnić karmę dla zwierząt.
In Nepal the oil cake of the Persian walnut is used for culinary purposes, and it is also applied to the forehead to treat headaches.
W Nepalu makuch perskiego orzecha włoskiego jest używany dla kulinarnych celów, i to również jest zastosowane do czoła traktować bóle głowy.
Rapeseed "oil cake" is also used as a fertilizer in China, and may be used for ornamentals, such as bonsai, as well.
Olej rzepakowy ciasto "jest używany również jako nawóz w Chinach, i móc być używanym dla drzew ozdobnych, taki jak sztuka bonsai, też.
These and other sweets, including nougat, olive oil cakes, marzipan candies and candied fruit, all come in a gift box from France.
Te i inne cukierki, w tym nugat, oliwkowe makuchy, cukierki marcepanowe i owoc smażony w cukrze, wszyscy wchodzą do prezentu pudło z Francji.
This leaves behind the spent crushed seeds, called variously the 'cake', 'oil cake' and 'press cake'.
To liście za zużytymi zgniecionymi nasionami, zadzwonić różnie 'ciasto', 'makuch' i 'ciasto prasowe'.
Patel Oil mill (Mavji Hari oil cake industry)
Patel olejarnia (Mavji Hari przemysł makuchu)
Both insects are distributed throughout the world and regularly imported into the UK in unprocessed cereals, oil cakes, and from grains from other stores.
Oba owady są rozdane na całym świecie i regularnie importować do Wielkiej Brytanii w nieprzetworzonych zbożach, makuchy, i ze zbóż z innych sklepów.
A well-known sweet is "Kavun" or oil cakes, a cake made with rice flour and treacle and deep-fried to a golden brown.
Słynny cukierek jest "Kavun" albo makuchy, ciasto zrobione z mąką ryżową i melasa i smażony w głębokim tłuszczu aby rumiany.
Matched with panna cotta, soft olive oil cake was vaguely sweet and deliciously imbued with lemon.
Pasowany z panna cotta, miękkie ciasto oliwy z oliwek było z lekka słodkie i wspaniale wpojony cytrynę.
Drizzle the oil on fish, float some on a tomato or seafood soup or use it to make a fragrant olive oil cake for the holidays.
Mżyć olej na rybie, pływać jakiś na pomidorze albo zupie z owoców morza albo używać tego by robić pachnące ciasto oliwy z oliwek wakacjom.
A boiler explosion at the J. Bibby & Sons oil cake mills in Liverpool killed 27 people and injured 100.
Wybuch kotła przy j. Bibby & Synowie młyny makuchu w Liverpoolu zabiły 27 ludzi i zraniły 100.
Phase Two of the development, which will shortly commence construction, will extend further down along the river front, on the site of the former Irish Oil Cake works.
Etap dwa z rozwinięcia, które wkrótce wszcznie budowę będzie ciągnąć się dalej w dół wzdłuż frontu rzeki, na miejscu dawnego irlandzkiego makuchu pracuje.
While I gave milk they fed me on cottonseed and oil cake, but now I am dry they yoke me here, and give me refuse as fodder!"
Podczas gdy dawałem mleko nakarmili mnie nasionami bawełny i makuchem ale teraz jestem spragniony oni zaprzęgają mnie tu, i dawać mnie odmawiać jako pasza! "
Aidar was owned at the time by London Steamers and was carrying a cargo of grain and oil cakes between Odessa and Marseilles.
Aidar był posiadany wtedy przez Parowce londyńskie i przewozić ładunek zboża i makuchów między Odessa a Marsylią.
Mr. Ong makes balsamic vinegar work as an ice cream flavor and serves it as part of a Mediterranean-leaning dessert with fresh figs and olive oil cake.
Mr. Ong uruchamia ocet balsamiczny jako smak lód i obsługuje to jako część śródziemnomorski-pochyły deseru ze świeżymi figami i oliwkowym makuchem.
Soybean meal also known as Soyabean Oil Cake is a solid residue bi-product, flour, created after grinding the soybean to extract soybean oil.
Posiłek soi również wiedzieć, że jako Soyabean makuch jest stałym osadem bi-product, mąka, stworzony po mieleniu soi do soi urywka olej.
Uwaga: Tłumaczenia dodatkowych przykładów nie były weryfikowane przez naszych lektorów - mogą zawierać błędy.
Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
There are many other local names and variants such as the English "press cake".
The result was better dewatering, a more consistent press cake.
The press cake still has some oil that is normally recovered in a separate installation.
Press cake, residue left after pressing seeds to extract oil.
The nitrogen-rich pressed cake is used as a fertilizer and animal feed.
The buildup of press cake moisture is controlled by a discharge door or cone.
The slip was then pumped into a filter press, creating a press cake.
The remaining press cake of jatropha seeds after oil extraction could also be considered for energy production.
This stage involves removing some of the oil and water from the material and the solid is known as press cake.
He was fussed over as usual, and after school people pressed cake and cookies on him.
The press cake can be used as cattle feed or as thickening agent for soup.
A press cake or oil cake is the solids remaining after pressing something to extract the liquids.
Other common press cakes come from flax seed (linseed), cottonseed, and sunflower seeds.
The press cake remaining after the argan oil has been expelled is protein-rich and is frequently used as feed for cattle.
Miss Marple and Miss Bunner pressed cakes on each other. "
This leaves behind the spent crushed seeds, called variously the 'cake', 'oil cake' and 'press cake'.
This process can be done at various stages during manufacturing, including during nib treatment, liquor treatment or press cake treatment.
His version, potent and thick, arrives in an enormous bowl with a lightly pressed cake of sardine tartare in the middle.
Commonly, the Buell dryer handles shredded filter press cakes from standard square plate filter presses.
Because basket presses have a relatively compact design, the press cake offers a relatively longer pathway for the juice to travel before leaving the press.
Oilseed press cake (cottonseed, safflower, sunflower, soybean, peanut or groundnut)
The pomace or press cake - the remaining solid material from which the oil has been extracted - may also be used as a food or fertilizer.
When the press cake went to the corning mill, grains of various sizes were produced, but there had to be consistency amongst the different grain sizes.
It suffers in comparison with a modest, neatly pressed cake of bacalao in tomato sauce on white rice, with a cheery fried egg on top.
Among recent successes was a link with Sandon High School students who worked on a project to achieve greater accuracy in testing the texture of clay press cakes.
But the Spanish olive oil cake with kumquats was seamless and delicious.
There wasn't oil cake for the cows hi the New Lemuria.
Spread the batter evenly in the oiled cake pan.
A press cake or oil cake is the solids remaining after pressing something to extract the liquids.
He is creating sweets like mascarpone parfait with citrus terrines and olive oil cake.
(This recipe, and one for olive oil cake with candied tangerines, can be found at
Oil cakes, manure, and leaves are thoroughly incorporated with the topsoil of the furrows and wood ash.
The hill woman sat on a hassock, a half-eaten oil cake clutched in her hands, staring open-mouthed at Miles in all his power and polish.
A well-known sweet is "Kavun" or oil cakes, a cake made with rice flour and treacle and deep-fried to a golden brown.
In Nepal the oil cake of the Persian walnut is used for culinary purposes, and it is also applied to the forehead to treat headaches.
This study also concluded that apple seed oil could be used as an edible oil, with the oil cake being used to supplement animal feed.
These and other sweets, including nougat, olive oil cakes, marzipan candies and candied fruit, all come in a gift box from France.
Matched with panna cotta, soft olive oil cake was vaguely sweet and deliciously imbued with lemon.
Rapeseed "oil cake" is also used as a fertilizer in China, and may be used for ornamentals, such as bonsai, as well.
Patel Oil mill (Mavji Hari oil cake industry)
Both insects are distributed throughout the world and regularly imported into the UK in unprocessed cereals, oil cakes, and from grains from other stores.
Drizzle the oil on fish, float some on a tomato or seafood soup or use it to make a fragrant olive oil cake for the holidays.
Phase Two of the development, which will shortly commence construction, will extend further down along the river front, on the site of the former Irish Oil Cake works.
Indeed, in the 19th century, doughnuts were sometimes referred to as one kind of oliekoek (a Dutch word literally meaning "oil cake"), a "sweetened cake fried in fat."
Aidar was owned at the time by London Steamers and was carrying a cargo of grain and oil cakes between Odessa and Marseilles.
While I gave milk they fed me on cottonseed and oil cake, but now I am dry they yoke me here, and give me refuse as fodder!"
Mr. Ong makes balsamic vinegar work as an ice cream flavor and serves it as part of a Mediterranean-leaning dessert with fresh figs and olive oil cake.
Soybean meal also known as Soyabean Oil Cake is a solid residue bi-product, flour, created after grinding the soybean to extract soybean oil.
The neutral Swedish steam merchant ship Orania (1,854 GRT) was homeward bound from Argentina with a load of maize, bran and oil cakes.
The ubiquitous plantain is dished out alongside celebratory feasts of Kavum (small oil cake) and Kokis (crisp and light sweetmeat, originally from the Netherlands).