Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
These output functions have each been specified in about a dozen lines of code.
Specify the output function by means of a table.
For these reasons, the input and output functions have been separated from the Modula-2 language proper.
The postscript output function has been disabled in this version.
The system will provide the necessary input, inquiry and output functions for that database.
This left the programmer with a veritable forest of output functions all doing almost the same thing.
They are used for device management, configuration function, input output functions, etc.
Each icon represents an input, operation or output function.
Both techniques use part of the pseudolinearizing coordinate transformation as an ``output function,'' T1.
Its features include comprehensive input/output functions and library maintenance routines.
The output function (neural response) of a realistic receptive field resembles the green line.
There have been studies of perceptrons with other styles of output function.
Its real-space form is the same as the moving average, with the exception of not introducing a shift in the output function.
All scrolling and character output functions were handled by firmware.
The vector has components that are the output function and its repeated Lie derivatives.
A finite-state machine with no output function at all is known as a semiautomaton or transition system.
In addition to automatic control, there are manual overrides on some inputs and output functions.
High quality printed reports compliment the on-screen data output functions of Fleece.
The output function is defined to be independent of the internal state, which cannot be queried.
An output function for each unit, represented by a vector of functions on the activations.
In a payroll application, an output function that created 100 cheques would still count as 1 output.
Input and output functions are hardware dependent, so programs written for one kind of computer are unlikely to work on another.
The output function is called the Zak transform of the input function.
Finally a systematic procedure is followed to find the smallest set of prime implicants the output functions can be realised with.
A similar problem occurs when increasing the number of output functions of a combinational function block.