Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
They knew he would sit back and try to throw pretty passes.
'Things have come to a pretty pass when a thing like this can go on.
Anderson's game goes beyond the pretty passes, though that's what he does best.
He even made a pretty pass, for his lone assist in the game.
"Things have come to a pretty pass if you're being the voice of reason to my hothead."
Things had come to a pretty pass when you automatically assumed paint was blood.
Things have come to a pretty pass if you start flinging water at people, Joan.
"It has come to a pretty pass, if a green boy with no previous experience is to defeat us.
Things had surely come to a pretty pass when he was reduced to talking about peanuts.
And Ewing, after all these years, still hasn't made a pretty pass, or it escaped me.
"Things have come to a pretty pass, if you're lecturing me on tolerance."
A pretty pass they have brought us to," he added, "your friends in Paris."
Things had come to a pretty pass indeed.
I can see that - gutsy, lots of pretty passing, ultimately not good enough.
His pretty passes will fill the team's highlight video.
Really, things are coming to a pretty pass when that girl Lily throws milk all over me."
He whirled her around, picking her up on one pretty pass.
I think, Mr President, that things have come to a pretty pass.
There was Stockton, driving the lane and distributing pretty passes.
Here was a pretty pass, indeed, thought Barney.
So I'm in a pretty pass, am I not?
It was a pretty pass when the commissar used a Tanith oath.
Marion thought the world had come to a pretty pass when employers referred their employees to consulting psychologists in the course of a business day.
I found it unfathomable that, only 80 years after the expedition Cherry describes, things had come to such a pretty pass.