Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Despite the privacy breach, the couple went ahead with their plans.
Privacy breaches in health care are making headlines these days.
Other regulators around the world have also been investigating the privacy breach.
However, the new lawsuit claims privacy breaches happened on his watch.
The hospital is being sued in a class action about privacy breaches and say it has to fire people now.
It remains unclear how many people may have been affected by the privacy breach.
Such information is especially sensitive, she says, because a privacy breach could reveal a patient's medical conditions.
There is also the risk for privacy breaches that could allow sensitive health care information to fall into the wrong hands.
Good training for employees is a key factor in preventing privacy breaches.
They show that a total of 47 people were disciplined for privacy breaches during the three years to July 2011.
However, the most serious privacy breach occurred when the agent was speaking to the former employer.
The bank contacted the affected individuals to inform them of the privacy breach.
This was news only so much as a minor privacy breach is news.
This potential privacy breach is actually built into the systematic framework of Facebook.
University officials said Tuesday that the privacy breach was recently discovered during a routine systems audit.
Others might say that whether a machine or a human is doing the work, the potential for a privacy breach is there.
A privacy breach lawsuit was filed against the institute, and they closed their doors in May 2011.
Clearly concerned about the legal and business implications of privacy breaches, Facebook has come out against the practice.
Police are investigating the privacy breach, which is also reported to have involved the circulation of his wife's personal mobile number on social media.
The privacy breach is massive, and the safety of vulnerable children was put at risk," he said.
The announcement comes in the wake of several high-profile Internet privacy breaches.
I do not condone any violent actions or privacy breaches.
But when a firestorm over privacy breaches erupted, he decided against using it.
However, our responsibilities go far beyond reacting to complaints about possible privacy breaches.
None of the facilities had been previously fined for privacy breaches.