Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Instead they release different pheromones that attract moth flies, and catch them with their front pairs of legs.
In drier conditions, the beetles can be replaced by moth flies (Psychodidae).
The moth flies, usually at dusk, in September and October and is sometimes attracted to light.
Moth flies of the genus Psychoda are prominent prey in juvenile and adult male Mastophora.
The Psychodinae are the nominate subfamily of moth flies (Psychodidae), also known as drain flies.
The nematoceran family Psychodidae (moth flies or drain flies) are small true flies (Diptera) with short, hairy bodies and wings giving them a "furry" moth-like appearance.
The Psychodinae are the nominate subfamily of moth flies (Psychodidae), also known as drain flies.
Nemapalpus nearcticus is a species of fly in family Psychodidae.
Adult Psychodidae are typically nocturnal and associated with damp habitats.
Also relatively common on mature or overaged fruit bodies are Drosophilidae and Psychodidae.
Phlebotomus is a genus of "sand fly" in the Dipteran family Psychodidae.
Each species of spider appears to specialize in a particular species of prey in the family Psychodidae.
A revision of the Psychodidae (Diptera) in America north of Mexico.
Outside the United States, sandfly may refer to members of the subfamily Phlebotominae within the Psychodidae.
Phlebotomine sand flies of North America (Diptera: Psychodidae).
(Diptera:Psychodidae) of northern Africa.
The establishment, maintenance and productivity of a laboratory colony of Lutzomyia longipalpis (Diptera: Psychodidae).
The H. rostrata, larvae of Lucilia sericata, Psychodidae family, and sylvicola were found to occur relatively late in the body's decay.
Desert diptera include specialised species of Psychodidae, Nemestrinidae, Therevidae, Scenopinidae and Bombyliidae.
Larvae resemble larval Lutzomyia (Psychodidae), Forcipomyia (Ceratopogonidae), and some Chironomidae.
Revision of Neotropical Setomimini (Diptera: Psychodidae: Psychodinae).
Insects obtained late in the post-active stage include the Calliphora quadrimaculata, adult Phaeroceridae, Psychodidae and Piophilidae (no larvae from this family were obtained in recovery).
In the Trichoptera and the Dipterous family Psychodidae, for example, they are closely covered with hairs, while in the Lepidoptera they are invested with overlapping scales.
Killick-Kendrick R; Killick-Kendrick M. The laboratory colonization of Phlebotomus ariasi (Diptera: Psychodidae).
Killick-Kendrick R; Tang Y; Killick-Kendrick M. Phlebotomine sandflies of Kenya (Diptera: Psychodidae).
There is for example no objective basis for excluding the Psychodidae from the list, and some of them (or midge-like taxa commonly included in the family, such as Phlebotomus) are blood-sucking pests and disease vectors.
The nematoceran infraorder Psychodomorpha (sometimes misspelled Psychomorpha - which is also the name of a genus of noctuid moths) includes two common families, Psychodidae and Scatopsidae, and other very small, rare families.