And suddenly my battery is projected to last a lot less long as opposed to turning the screen brightness down.
During my tests, the laptop lasted just under 3 hours when I had the screen brightness configured to the lowest level.
The P900 software does not provide an option to alter the screen brightness.
For example, the brown inset icons on the dark grey background of application menus aren't always easy to see when the screen brightness is low.
There is a light sensor to control the screen brightness.
Only in a dark room with the screen brightness cranked up to unnatural levels does the black begin to resemble gray.
The player can also adjust the screen brightness, background frame, game screen position and zoom level.
On one machine, the down arrow increased screen brightness, and the up arrow decreased it.
In my test, with screen brightness at full and two applications running, the built-in battery lasted 4 hours 14 minutes.
Despite the large picture area, it has a screen brightness of 250 foot-Lamberts, sufficient for daylight viewing.