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Today, a test for seal brown can confirm this color.
Point colour: dense, seal brown, with a warm rather than cold tone.
Seal brown became much more widely used, and even over-used during this period.
He reached up among the books on his top shelf again, pulling down a sealed brown envelope.
In France, seal brown horses are recognized among the "black coat family".
The school colors are seal brown, cardinal (color), and white.
Like other coat colors, seal browns can range in shade.
Lips to be outlined in seal brown or black.
Point colour: dense, warm seal brown over a white undercoat.
However, true seal browns have black points, while liver chestnuts do not.
Brown buckskins are often quite hard to distinguish from seal browns.
The major opened the locked middle drawer of his desk, pulled out a sealed brown envelope.
Point colour: bright, warm shades of dense seal brown, red and/or cream.
Most common colors are chestnut, bay or seal brown.
The Seal point has a fawn body and seal brown points.
Open up the sealed brown paper envelope (hairs taped over the flap for security) and read.
The implication was that the seal brown coat color, which is often quite nearly black, could be produced by this allele.
Paw pads: black or seal brown, toning with coat colour.
The dominant colours are bay and seal brown, followed by black, while the other ones are much more rare.
Sham was a dark seal brown in color.
Colors accepted by the breed registry include chestnut, bay and seal brown.
A (mutation, 3 dominant) poorly restricted black points, responsible for seal brown.
A non-fading dark bay might then be darker than a sunbleached seal brown.
Star, crooked stripe, snip, all against a background of seal brown.
Point colour: clearly defined dense, warm seal brown markings.