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Lists specified projects to be given priority in such sediment removal.
Restoration work began in the summer of 2008 and ramped up as the sediment removal drew to a close.
This has partially caused rapid silting of the reservoir and sediment removal was started in mid-2009.
Engineers estimated that the natural sedimentation rate would give the reservoir a useful life of at least 71 years without any sediment removal.
Removal includes sediment removal and reintroduction of native plants.
GE retained the option to refuse to perform Phase 2, which included most of the sediment removal.
After water diversion and sediment removal the PCB concentrations were found lower than 1 ppm (parts per million).
As well as contributing to declining soil fertility, such high sediment removal are causing problems with water supply by increasing reservoir siltation rates.
In February 2010, the Taiwan Water Corporation began the first stage of a two-year sediment removal project at Nanhua.
The volume of sediment that accumulates in a basin depends on the rates of subsidence, sediment supply and sediment removal.
Restoration Restoration in the context of Milltown is the creation of a natural river and floodplain following dam and sediment removal.
Limnological measures such as bottom aeration, siphoning of hypolimnetic water, biomanipulation and limited sediment removal from the deltas of drains which lead to the lake.
However, as artificially elevated phosphorus levels in the sediment aggravate the eutrophication process, controlled sediment removal is occasionally the only option for the reclamation of still waters.
In 1986, Lake Ella underwent extensive rehabilitation including sediment removal, reshaping of the shoreline, reducing the number of stormwater inflow pipes, and installation of an automatic alum treatment system.