Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
And then there came a point, quite shamingly late in life, when I couldn’t do that anymore”.
Massively and shamingly, the camp system was a phenomenon of food.
At the time, though, it was a shamingly expensive turkey which damaged the careers of everyone involved.
He longed shamingly for her all the same.
Shamingly, just 46 per cent of disabled people of working age are employed today.
Tears rolled shamingly down her cheeks as she sobbed, waiting hopelessly for the next.
For one thing, I feel shamingly foolish.
With Arlena about, one felt, shamingly, just how immature and crude one was.
Clearing our barely touched desserts, he shamingly murmured, "Was it a bridge too far?
Ill-equipped and deplorably led armies behaved shamingly in action; but resistance continued.
It is 14.9 per cent across the country and a shamingly enormous 55 per cent in financial services.
In my youth I joyfully devoured Proust then shamingly abandoned him, until last night.
In most west European countries, the native literature is cherished, and foreign languages, notably English, learnt shamingly well.
AU heraldic insignia were shamingly torn from his coat, signifying that he was unfitted to be a knight.
Roger Alton said he was "a ferociously sharp journalist, clever, dedicated, hugely industrious - shamingly so to many of his colleagues like me - and hugely creative."
According to recent reports in the American press, the appearance of the shamingly happy Obamas — together for 16 years — has made many couples feel inadequate about their relationship maintenance.
Probably, in those days, I was a bit of an ideological innocent - shamingly, I even singled out for praise the ostentatiously populist action of one member of the national executive.
On the bench opposite, the line of Page 3 girls in pinstripes smiled and sometimes recrossed their stupendous legs, the boys looked on wide-eyed, and I felt shamingly maternal towards all of them.
It imposed form-filling, impertinent questions, and regular, shamingly visible, visits from investigators licensed to peer into your cooking-pots, rule that one chair per person was enough, and order you to sell your spare blankets.
It was they, shamingly, who had led the great discovery of old Germanic literature, which included the Old English texts Beowulf The Wanderer, The Seafarer and the great rhythmical prose-sermons of Aelfric and Wulfstan.
Of those who did study languages at school, which are still compulsory to the age of 14, even if we have shamingly removed the need to at least try a GCSE in them, 21 per cent said they were limited to the words for hello and goodbye.
But, most shamingly of all, Nell knew that if she were to tell Grama the truth, she would not feel in the least mortified but would probably make some mocking quip about Joss being able to afford to pay her ten times as much as he did .
Rihm has written a handful of operas, but shamingly, the last time one of them was heard in the UK was 1980, when Pierre Audi directed his biggest hit, the chamber-opera Jakob Lenz (Audi will also direct the new piece in Salzburg).
But, like the dizzying rise of party bags — once they comprised a slice of cake and a balloon; now, shamingly, my children have been sent home with more expensive presents than those that they had taken — the end of year gift-giving has become as routine as tipping a waiter or taxi driver.